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How can I get a PDF of my score?

Our software has an option to save a PDF of your file.  You can use File/Export...PDF to save a PDF copy of your file. The PDF export is a high resolution export.

If this export file is too big for your purpose, it is easy to produce an Adobe PDF file version of a score prepared by Notation, but this requires using a third party tool. There are a few tools available to do this.  We have no affiliation with these companies, some are freely available under an open source license, but these PDF tools have been recommended by Notation users.

For Windows machines:

JawsPDF Creator, available at http://www.jawspdf.com

CutePDF, available at https://www.cutepdf.com

PDFCreator, available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/

PDF24, available at https://en.pdf24.org/

For Mac machines:

RWTS PDFwriter, available at https://github.com/rodyager/RWTS-PDFwriter

(find instructions at https://www.codeweavers.com/support/wiki/mac/faq/printfromcrossover )

These third party tools are installed on your system as a printer driver. When you use the File / Print command in Notation products (or any other application), you select the printer named "Jaws PDF Creator" (or other pdf printer driver), instead of your normal printer. You will be asked for the name and location of the PDF file that will be saved. That's all you have to do.  These PDF creators will work for any program that has document printing.