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notation composer and notation musician

notation composer and notation musician are invaluable tools for any musician.

Easy Notation for Everyday Musicians

The best sheet music from MIDI files of any software program and much more. For Windows, Mac and Linux. 90-day money-back guarantee.

notation composer provides an easy way to create or arrange your own music. You can start from scratch, or start with a MIDI file downloaded from the internet or MusicXML file and then arrange it to suit your needs. No matter where your inspiration comes from, composer will help you produce great-looking sheet music with ease. notation composer is a full featured notation software program which meets everyday musician's needs.

Serious Fun with Music

Get Beautiful Sheet Music from MIDI Files. notation musician (for Windows, Mac and Linux) turns any MIDI file into sheet music, so you can watch the notes on the screen as they play. Now it's easier than ever to see, hear, and play along with the thousands of MIDI files available on the web. You can add lyrics, create printouts, export the sheet music in PDF format, and share your music with friends. notation musician is an invaluable tool for any musician.

notation composer contains all features of notation musician.
For a detailed feature list and comparison of notation composer and notation musician please see here.

Home Musicians

notation musician and notation composer create the best notation scores from MIDI files. You can play along with "the band" at your convenience.

With notation composer, you can also customize the sheet music to add your own special flavor to a song.

Performing Musicians

With notation musician you can print sheet music for yourself and print parts for members of your vocal or instrumental group.

notation composer adds the ability to rearrange the music and have complete control over the sound of every note.

Song Writers and Composers

Use notation composer to create music from scratch, so you can focus on making music instead of drawing notation.

You can create sheet music with your MIDI instrument, mouse, or computer keyboard. Editing notation is a breeze, too.