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jonmkrobs 09-03-2011 03:50 PM

Midinotate problem - notes continue to ring out when I press stop
Hi, I have a problem in that when I press stop, notes still constantly ring out, which is very offputting when I've used the stop button to want silence so I can transcribe. How can I fix this? When I start the track again, the notes are still ringing out, so clash horribly with the rest of the track and I have to restart the program all the time. I'm using Windows Vista. I don't remember having the problem when I had Windows XP.

Hope someone can help,

Many thanks :-)

Sherry C 09-03-2011 04:52 PM

Re: Midinotate problem - notes continue to ring out when I press stop

It sounds like possibly a MIDI driver issue. You can try updating your MIDI drivers. You can also use the "Turn off stuck notes" (at the bottom of the "Perform" menu) to turn off notes that are stuck on, so they'll stop playing.

If you're using the old MidiNotate and you're on a Vista machine, there may be other issues as well. With the Vista operating system, the way that MIDI and audio are handled changed tremendously. The result is that some major updating had to be done to MIDI and audio apps, and for us this resulted in the release of the 2.0 Notation series of our applications, which handle those problems. You can try out either of the new products free for 30 days to see if they address any other audio issues you may have ( If so and you want to upgrade, there is a price break for previous customers (see

Hopefully something above will help you get going :)


jonmkrobs 09-03-2011 05:59 PM

Re: Midinotate problem - notes continue to ring out when I press stop
Thank you Sherry, I'd tried turning off the stuck notes with no success. I'll have a go at updating the Midi drivers and if still out of luck I might have to plump for that upgrade.

Thanks again :-)

jonmkrobs 09-03-2011 07:50 PM

Re: Midinotate problem - notes continue to ring out when I press stop
Drivers were all up to date, so have downloaded the trial version of Musician and it's fixed the problem.....however, all the percussion tracks are filled with odd symbols and letters in the new trial version. Not a major problem for me as long as it just keeps to the percussion tracks, but it'd still be nice if there is there a fix for this? Hopefully so, then I can go ahead and purchase


Sherry C 09-03-2011 08:14 PM

Re: Midinotate problem - notes continue to ring out when I press stop


Originally Posted by jonmkrobs (Post 16181)
all the percussion tracks are filled with odd symbols and letters in the new trial version.

In the updated versions, the drum tracks/staves noteheads have been replaced with percussion-related noteheads. The percussion staves are not truly pitched notes, but are called "pseudo pitch" because each "note" corresponds to a particular drum instrument rather than an audible note pitch. The "X" and "triangle" correspond to whether, for example, a notehead has an accidental or not. The "accidental" would be for a different drum instrument than the "natural" notehead.

This x/triangle notehead is only for drum instruments (channel 10), and for the five-line staff is x's and triangles. If you like having each instrument on a separate line (single line), you can use the "Staff/Split Drums" command, and then select which type of notehead you want for each single-line staff.

Hope this explains some of the differences you see. I'm also glad to hear that the newer product takes care of the stuck note problem.


jonmkrobs 09-04-2011 02:07 PM

Re: Midinotate problem - notes continue to ring out when I press stop
Thanks Sherry,

Actually, since I've re-booted the computer the drum tracks now do have the x's and triangles. When I messaged before, they had large letters and jumbled text all over them, so it must have been a temporary blip.

Pleased I can go ahead and purchase now, which I'll do in a minute,



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