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Craig Knowles (cknowles) 06-07-2008 05:08 PM

I downloaded Player a few days
I downloaded Player a few days ago and read somewhere that it is free for 30 days and it has all features activated. However, I cannot find the Metronome and Tempo, Mouse Mode, and Undo and Redo controls on the toolbar

Any ideas, anyone?

Craig Knowles

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-07-2008 05:26 PM

Howdy Craig, Notation Playe
Howdy Craig,

Notation Player is a free player (similar to Acrobat for pdf files) - it plays files that are already set up, but does not have editing capabilities.

I think you may be referring to Notation Musician, which has all the above capabilities and much more for transcribing and arranging sheet music from .mid files. You can get the trial version (fully functional for 30 days) at

Have fun!


lgunther 02-09-2010 11:52 AM

Re: Player features
Can we set to listen to one voice at a time?

Sherry C 02-09-2010 12:03 PM

Re: Player features


Originally Posted by lgunther (Post 13873)
Can we set to listen to one voice at a time?

Notation Player can play any .not file that another user has created. If a Musician or Composer user has set up a Part (which you can see in the Part drop list in the menu bar) which plays only one staff, you can listen to that. If you're opening up a "found" .mid (MIDI) file, then you'll only be able to listen to the file as it is, just like any other MIDI player. One big advantage with Notation Player is that you can see the notes as they play for each staff.


NotationUser 12-11-2010 09:20 AM

Re: Player features
Player is free. I don't know about any usage time limits.

The controls you miss may be disabled in the "view" menu. Just open View menu and make sure that "show main toolbar" is checked.

As player is not intended to edit *.mid or *.not files it may lack tempo control.

But it's probably worth to request such an essential feature even for the free Player version.

Mark W 12-11-2010 06:49 PM

Re: Player features
Also, for a good summary of how Player's relatively limited features compare to the features of Notation Musician and Notation Composer, see the comparison table at the bottom of this page:

-- Mark

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