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Old 01-05-2008, 05:06 AM
Herbert WENDE (herbert)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Fred, The .studio file I

Hi Fred,

The .studio file I downloaded, did not fully work. I deleted the file and set it up again. In Composer, I changed the channels to what I think you intended.

Lush string sections in GPO work best with long sustained notes. This is particular clear, if you listen to the cello section in your music. You should reduce strings to a few section and a few solo instruments. All sections and solo instruments need to be well balanced to avoid a muddy and confusing sound. This is always important, but even more important for music that is not performed live but reproduced by a sound system, due to limitations of sound systems normally used.

Here are some general comments. GPO’s timpani is good to use. CC#22 and CC#23, accessible on the on the Kontakt Player as VAR1 and VAR2, help to produce a very natural sound. You can do closed rolls on the timpani. There are some other nice percussion sounds on GPO, such as gongs, which I have used recently in some Chinese motives. GPO is easy to use, if you do backing tracks. JAAB is similarly easy to use.
Neither GPO nor JAAB have good Double Bases, played pizzicato. JABB’s guitars are very basic. I have not warmed to JABB’s accordion. This is not a complete list. I am still experimenting.

Best wishes,

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