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Old 08-01-2008, 04:10 PM
Daniel Vallery (danielv)
Posts: n/a
Default I have a problem to report: W

I have a problem to report:
When I start a new .not file with a time signature of 4/4, 2/2, C, or cut time, the file, during playback, will always stop at the 16th measure, 4th beat, and will not play any measures after, even if you click in them. I've done this many times:
1. Start a new .not file.
2. Choose any template.
3. Choose the 4/4, 2/2, C, or cut time meter. Any other meter does not have this problem, only meters that contain 4 quarter notes per measure. Also, change the note groupings does not help the problem.
4. Choose any key.
5. Choose any title, or none at all.
6. Push play, go to the 16th measure. Play back stops at the 16th measure, 4th beat, even though the playback button is still down.

The only work around I could find was to make a new file in 2/4, then manually change the meter to 4/4 or whatever else you want. After changing from 2/4, the playback does not stop at the 16th measure, but plays as usual.
