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Old 07-18-2008, 04:18 PM
Mark Walsen (markwa)
Posts: n/a
Default Hello MG, I confirmed the p

Hello MG,

I confirmed the problem that playback in your file prematurely stopped before the end of the song.

This is a serious problem, which is more generally the following: If you add new measures to the end of the song, during playback Composer prematurely stops at the old end of the song.

For now you can work around this problem as follows:
  1. Choose the Edit Repetitions command in the Measure menu. Notice that the repeat instructions incorrectly tell Composer to stop playing at your old last measure of the song.
  2. In the Repeat Instructions dialog box, click the Use Default button. That resets the instructions to play to the new end of song.
  3. Exit the Repeat Instructions dialog box by clicking OK.
Thanks for reporting this problem. I'll fix this soon in a 2.5.1 maintenance release. [Task #1787]

-- Mark