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Old 07-30-2007, 12:33 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Tim, I guess the ques

Howdy Tim,

I guess the question is were you able to get on the forum without any problems, and it appears you did. This is good

Re. April Monday, I've been enjoying it, along with your "February" pieces, immensely.

The GPO library has some great sounds, but you're right that handling those sounds takes some getting used to, especially if you've been used to manipulating sounds using the "standard" MIDI controllers. I for one am really glad that Mark has implemented the "Graph Over Notes" approach, because it makes it so much easier for me, being very visual, to draw things out rather than try and play those controller changes at the same time I'm trying to bang out rhythms on my MIDI keyboard. I'm waaaay behind you, Tim, in keyboard skills

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