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Old 04-01-2007, 05:03 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Michaela, That is indeed

Hi Michaela,

That is indeed a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace! I also do a lot of playing the way you do (contemporary Christian, by ear, slow at sheet music). Your eyes are right about this song, though - the sheet music looks "funny" because the original file was recorded without respect to a metronome. What that means is that the person who recorded it simply played it right into their sequencer (or whatever they used to capture the MIDI performance), but didn't do it with the metronome "beat" going. So, when Musician tries to transcribe the notes, the rhythms get messed up, and the notation looks weird.

We do have "metronomeless transcription" in the development stages, which would help to "fix" this file so that tempo changes would translated as tempo changes, and not as changes in notation duration (which is what makes it look weird now).

So, the short answer is, there is no software fix for this right now. But this will be a great file to use it with when that feature gets implemented

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