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Old 08-09-2005, 06:09 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Mark, I just added a

Howdy Mark,

I just added a track to your Stars 20 file, and recorded a nice sinister laugh into it, using a soundfont. Then, I played back this file and recorded it flawlessly with Audacity. Sweet! It did come near to maxing out my CPU, and that was with all other processes off. I always turn off the printer in the tray, my antivirus software, etc. I turn them all off when I record, because even if they aren't actively running, they still "check" occasionally for a "call for service", which can eat up precious CPU and cause glitches.

I'll send you an mp3 of the recording in an email so you can hear it. I'll also send you the Audacity file so you can check it out if you want. Sorry to desecrate your nice composition so, but I needed to use something that would show up obviously in the mix, and the laugh fit the bill


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