Thread: Tango
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Old 01-19-2007, 02:02 AM
Derek Sanders (derek_sanders)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Alek (Kombrig) Than

Hi Alek (Kombrig) Thank you for your reply, I shall certainly use the lovely French Waltz It seems that I shall indeed be in exalted company,I haven't heard the name Galliano in a long time.
I have to tell you that I have had no music published, years ago I accepted commissions to write music for special occasions but after I performed them I gave the hand written copies to those who engaged me to write them and never bothered with them afterward. My Mother used to urge me to save everything but I never bothered.I quit writing many years ago and didn't do anything until about five or six years ago when I did something for a friend and then I started arranging for our Seniors band and I also wrote several smaller pieces, I had all my arrangements and writings on my computer and like an idiot I didn't back anything up,then one day some low life hacker decided to attack me, I had to have my computer rebuilt and when it came back the hard drive was wiped clean so now all I have is what I have done since that lousy day.
However, you are welcome to what I have, I posted a neat little French waltz today, and over the next few days I shall be posting some more, you didn't mention today's offering, did you see it?? so what do you think?? is it the kind of thing you would wish to keep??
Give me some feedback on what you do or do not like and I will try to accommodate you.
That's it for now so .....Have a Good one....TTYL..Derek.
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