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Old 06-07-2008, 06:37 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Michael, This is a tr

Howdy Michael,

This is a tremendous amount of work you've shared with us here, and very obviously a Herculean labor of love!

Thanks for including the playlist order here - I've put the copies that I downloaded in order, and have listened to the whole thing. I think my favorite piece is still Herod's Waltz, perhaps because I've never previously heard a musical piece that evokes for me the juxtaposition of his personality traits so well. The lyrics add substantially to the effect The other pieces also reflect their respective emotions and ambience of the characters and action, but Herod's Waltz is something I can hear my boys romping around and singing

I also really like the way that "My Father" is woven through the entire work - it lends a constancy to the whole yet retains a freshness does not become tiresome in any way. Good move!

I also appreciated all the dialog and performance notes that you included in the various posts. I'm planning to copy them over into a document that I can put with the song files, for reference when I'm listening again to the Playlist I have set up for this musical.

I certainly hope you have the satisfaction of seeing and hearing this performed live at some point. In the meantime, please know that many of us are enjoying it now ;)

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