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Old 09-04-2005, 08:45 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy, I have nothing of va


I have nothing of value to add to the above conversation But I do want to say that it is most interesting, as is the composition. I'm listening to it, and trying to grasp different aspects of your intentions with different "listens". This is very instructional for me - thanks for sharing the piece, as well as your thinking behind it!

I also definitely agree that using some sort of boundary for one aspect (eg. whole tone) can be very freeing for exploring other aspects of the music (eg. rhythm), and this is an idea that I've been trying to explore in my own practice time for my accompaniment, as well as practicing things that I can "solo" when I'm playing with other musicians. A bit different application, but the same concept.

Keep it up - I'm learning all the time, and loving it!


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