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Old 02-23-2009, 09:47 AM
Herbert WENDE (herbert)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Mark, You said: “Rat

Hi Mark,

You said:

“Rather, you actually want Composer to over-notate the rhythms, in such details as would be unreadable by a musician.”

Not so. Also, I am not talking about communicating between several programs via midi as Ian does. But I am trying to notate rhythms as Ian does.

In my example, I am advancing a tom from the beat by a 16th note or a 32nd note. This makes the tom sound prominent in relation to the bass drum. When I convert the 5line drum staff to single line instruments for adjusting the velocity of a percussion instrument and then convert the percussion instruments back to a 5 line drum staff, the tom is now shown as a grace note. To me this is not correct notation and I have lost the visual indication of the precise timing (16th or 32nd).

On a wish list of possible improvements to Composer, this would rank fairly low for me. To Ian it is important. The problem is that midi does not care about notation but only about actual playback of sounds. Perhaps a few expert settings would help Ian. However I still object to Composer changing my notation for no good reason.

Best wishes,

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