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Old 09-09-2013, 08:23 PM
Decrepit Goose
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Notation Software Without Measures or Time Signatures

I'm really sorry for the late response; I really want this information! (I got carried away waiting for the maintenance to end.)

I hope this isn't considered a dead thread.

As for the requirements of a computer, I'm not a professional at all but I don't see why this would be complicated: each note having a relative temporal value. These values changing proportionately by raising or lowering the tempo.

I totally understand what you mean about the barlines, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason I never find what I'm looking for. That does give me a nice idea, though; searching for software without an emphasis on human performance.

As far as composing goes, just composing, barlines are simply an impediment (at least to me). I read that Erik Satie used no barlines; he might be a good example of it's absence.

In other words, I don't see why a computer can't leave these out and still be able to playback. In fact, I guess you hit the bull's eye; they have the performers in mind. I just want to compose; I don't need to consider a performer.
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