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Old 10-01-2005, 02:06 PM
Gracie Knafel (gknafel)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi MG: Thank you for your w

Hi MG:

Thank you for your warm comments. You have hit on something extraordinary in your statement......"the music must surely be a testament to the power of music to inspire."

Most of the songs have been in my heart for over 30 years, and I have never forgotten them. I remember singing to my children, "you are my sunshine", and breaking in a puddle of love singing the song. My daughter, Kayle, wrote a testimony "Scripture in Music Is Power", and her examples illustrate the power of scripture when it is in music.

It is wonderful to be able to share the songs so that others can play them and Composer has made that possible; plus I am benefitting with a "song in my heart" every day!

Thanks again,
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