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Old 02-23-2007, 05:58 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy John, Part of this wi

Howdy John,

Part of this will depend on the size of the MIDI file that you're transcribing. Some of them can be tremendously long, and so will give really long scores There are a few things you can do to reduce the number of pages you get:

1. Reduce the font size (you're already doing this one )

2. Put in repeats for repeated sections, rather than printing the whole thing out. You can add repeat barlines where needed, then delete the repeated measures elsewhere. For listening with Musician, you can still hear the repeated parts, and if there are multiple repeats for a particular section, you can use "Perform/Edit repetition instructions" to set exactly how Musician performs the song. For instructions on working with barlines, please see the User's Guide (Help/User's Guide) and use the Index to look up "barline", and the various subtopics there.

3. "Force" the number of measures per system, and the number of systems per page. You can do this using the "Layout" tab, and the tools that within that tab, specifically under Layout/Page layout(third button, second level). See the User's Guide, and use the Index to look up "Layout" and the subtopics there.

Hopefully those suggestions will get you on your way

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