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Old 08-03-2005, 07:43 PM
Mark Walsen (markwa)
Posts: n/a
Default I did an experiment, playing b

I did an experiment, playing back from Composer a song that had a mix of a couple of GPO tracks and a SB Live synth track. It kind of worked. That is, Audacity did record the mix of tracks. However, when I played back that recording in Audacity, the sound was extremely choppy. That happens even if I recorded only GPO tracks.

I suspect that this is an abuse of GPO, since GPO already has a fine save-as-audio feature. I was just hoping that maybe Audacity would provide a way that we could save recordings of mixed GPO and, say, soundfonts. (Sherry would like that, I'd bet.)

The problem may be that I just don't have the right recording settings in Audacity.

-- Mark
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