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Old 05-04-2006, 03:04 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Daniel, I did smile a

Howdy Daniel,

I did smile and say "wow!" I'm impressed! "Determination" is a good name.

You said:
Because I'm only a teen, I can't afford fancy soundfont programs, only the free ones.

Sherry responds:
Because I'm a Mom with four kids, I can't afford fancy soundfont programs, only the free ones

I can relate! Hammersound is one of my favorite sources for fonts, as well as a few others (I've waxed eloquent, or at least waxed loudly, elsewhere in the forum on soundfonts). I haven't tried the piano font you listed, but I'll go give it a listen with your piece. The "default" soundfont that I use for general purposes is Chaos. I also use SynthFont for saving tracks as WAV or MP3 - it's a very handy program for such!

If you have any other favorite soundfonts, I'd love to know about them.

By the way, if you're starting out with compositions like this one at your age, you're way ahead of a lot of folks, me included! Keep up the great work!


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