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Old 10-01-2005, 03:38 AM
Clyde (clyde)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Gracie, Its great to s

Hi Gracie,

Its great to see you now have been able to get to the stage of putting your songs on the web - most of it you have done yourself with a bit of technical help from others.

I know for you it has been a sharp learning curve of a whole of new technologies, including Composer and I must commend you on the way you have grasped it all.

Of course this is not to forget your obvious ablity on your keyboard. I have enjoyed listening to your rendition of many well known and favourite Gospel Songs, and also the way you have played my music. Continue the good work.

Thanks also for your comments in another posting about the 'Reading music' course I put on the forum. I've now updated that and I think its in its first release format for people to utilise. There is a forum for feedback & questions, and this will undoubedly result in updates to the course.

I think we see in your site a good example of how composer because of its intuitive nature is able to allow even those that struggle with reading the score. So Mark, Gracie's achievements are a real endorsement of your great product of Composer.

So congratulations on a job well done ..

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