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Old 06-18-2007, 09:43 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Djim, Yep, I'm st

Howdy Djim,

Yep, I'm still loving my fiver Using that bottom string high up on the fretboard really has a "fill it up" effect as opposed to the cleaner sound of the same notes on the thinner strings. Just depends on what I want to do with a given note

I'd love to hear the mp3 you made of the file - do you happen to have that posted somewhere? I love brass played well, too. I had done this one as clarinet, just to humor Woong, as he is also a clarinet player.

Chorus effect on a fretless sounds nice, whether you're cheating or not ;) I really should pull out my fretless, but I'm devoting most of my practice time (what little I can get in these days) to learning the songs for our upcoming gig in August. We've had a couple of practices, and I'm loving playing with the drummer He's really good, and just a lot of fun to groove with. Very solid, very experienced. I hope he doesn't mind the bass player ;)

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