Thread: Crystal Blues
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Old 06-22-2005, 10:53 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Matt, Very cool! Thi

Howdy Matt,

Very cool! This is along a sort of fusion of styles that I'm currently trying to use to help my whistle improvisation skills I think I'll use this one, too ;) And the 'crossover' between blues and jazz isn't as far as some folks may think - jazz sort of began as "jazzed up" blues

I'm really curious about your note entry method. You have a lot of really nice rhythmic figures in there, and if you're entering them just out of your head with a mouse or on the qwerty keyboard, I'm extremely impressed That's one of my weakest points personally, so I sort of envy those of you who can do it so well

I think as a duet piece, it's really got some good interplay and complementarity between the two instruments. You could flesh it out even more to make it a 'combo' piece, but it is still a superb composition as it stands currently!

And you *know* we want to know about your coded name - that's too cool!


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