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Old 01-01-2008, 11:14 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy HB, I'm not sure

Howdy HB,

I'm not sure if the following is the problem that you've come across, so please let me know if it is or isn't.

In checking out Instrument Sound Changes, I did the following:

1. Opened a .mid file.
2. Clicked on the "Sound changes" tab.
3. Clicked on the left hand piano staff of the score.
4. Selected a different instrument (reed organ), and entered the optional text "reed organ" to have shown in the score.
5. Clicked "Ok."
6. The sound change horn icon showed up in the score, but no text did.
7. With the sound change horn still selected (it was blue), I then clicked the large "A" icon (for increasing the font size) until the text showed up.

It appears that the current default text size for sound changes is set at 1, and therefore doesn't show up unless you purposely enlarge it. I will report this problem to Mark Walsen, our chief developer, for fixing in the next maintenance release, due out shortly.

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