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Old 08-27-2009, 07:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Question Using Notation Composer without sight.


My name is Suzy, and I am a braille reader. I found Notation Composer mentioned at as a program that took great care in converting midi files to musicxml. I perused the website and liked the price and the approach. The "everyday musician" concept attracted my attention. What I want to do is to learn to play music I like on the piano.

I have a friend who will play songs for me using my Williams Symphony keyboard as a midi device. Next I will convert the midi files to xml and then to braille. From there, I can learn to play the songs and then perform them.

I am having difficulty using the program with screen reading software, though. Is there anyone here who has succeeded in this area? I have the latest versions of Window-Eyes and JAWS available to me. WindowEyes is my preference, but if JAWS can be made to work better that's what I will use.

Here are a few of the issues I'm having. First, I can't navigate the screen using the keyboard or a keyboard simulation of a mouse. Several of the standard modifiers don't seem to work. I can see by reading the keyboard shortcuts index why the Insert key does not work as expected for screen reader usage, since Notation Composer has a very specific function assigned to it. However, Control+Shift and FN+ combinations don't work either.

Another issue is that the screen readers will not read the menus. I can press ALT+F and, according to my husband who can see, the file menu opens. However, the screen reading software only announces the letter F. rather than indicate I am in the File Menu. Furthermore, No amount of pressing of Up or Down Arrow causes any menu item to be spoken.
I've tried a couple of the commands such as qds, but I am not sure if anything was accomplished, because Window-Eyes said nothing.

If anyone can be of assistance, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you
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