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rrayner 07-08-2012 02:07 PM

Copying Tempo Changes
Hi Sherry,

I'd like to thank you and Mark for bailing me out. I'm working on my 5-song medley, and because of the size of the piece, I made the 2nd song a separate file. After I completed it, I expanded the 1st song to accommodate the 2nd song, and copied and pasted the 2nd song into the 1st song. I was quite disturbed to see that after the copy, all of the tempo variations in the 2nd song were not copied over.

I dug into the Help section on Editing the Tempo Graphically, and I'm very happy and relieved to say that by following the procedure listed as "To copy a tempo curve from one section of a song to another section:", I was able to retrieve the tempo variations. This saved me a lot of time.

Thanks for having such clear instructions.


Sherry C 07-16-2012 12:31 PM

Re: Copying Tempo Changes
Hi Ralph,

Sorry for the late reply - we were actually vacationing :)

Glad that you were able to get the tempo map copied over. It's a tricky question about what should get copied and what shouldn't for MIDI controller stuff such as Tempo, volume, etc. when copy/pasting regions of one song (the "original") into another (eg. the "target" song). Sometimes a musician just wants to copy a lick from one piece and put it into another song, keeping the "target" song's tempo, volume, etc. Other times (like your situation), they want to copy the whole enchilada - tempo, volume, effects, chorus, etc. We've tried to strike a happy medium, and allow flexibility for both types of situation (and a mix), but if you or anyone else has suggestions for improving the way it works, we're all ears :)


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