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telemiles 03-09-2011 09:27 AM

Select troubles
Hello, when I want to select something (after clicking the Select arrow in the menu), I systematically get a "select staff...and so" screen...Cannot highlight a note, nothing...What is happening?Thanks a lot.Marc

dj 03-09-2011 11:56 AM

Re: Select troubles
There are two kinds of selection -- individual objects, which can be selected by clicking on them and region selection.

To select a region, hold down the Ctrl key and then click/drag the mouse over the area you want to select. You'll get a blue box over the region.

If you want to select a region larger than what is shown on the screen, use Ctrl-click-drag to select a small initial area, then arrow or scroll to the place you want to end and use Shift-click. The box will extend to the end of the region you want.

You can then copy, cut or paste into the region.

To select objects within the region, use the Region menu and select notes, lyrics, etc.

Good luck.


telemiles 03-09-2011 12:16 PM

Re: Select troubles
Hello, it is not my question: when I want to select something I have a trouble: a windows with "Select Staff and other options" opens. Impossible to select something.May I send to you a printscreen?Regards.Marc

telemiles 03-10-2011 11:27 AM

Re: Select troubles
Hello, still no answer.Today it is worse: when I want to add a note, When I click to enter the note, I have the eternal Windows "Select staff, and so on" that appears...Please do something because I can no longer use Notation and if it keeps like that I will switch to another soft.I repeat I can send you a print screen.Regards. Marc

dj 03-10-2011 11:54 AM

Re: Select troubles
Hello, Marc:

Do please post a screen shot. You can attach a jpeg file to your posts using the manage attachments button at the bottom of the new post dialogue box.

I've not encountered what you're mentioning, so I'd have to have a look at it to see what's going on.

Please put up a screen shot. It might take a little while to get back as the (very small) Notation Software staff are out of touch at the moment and a number of users are filling in.


telemiles 03-10-2011 01:03 PM

Re: Select troubles
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the prinscreen with some explaination.Regards.Marc

telemiles 03-10-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Select troubles
Hello, may be this can help you: when I have this trouble I have to restart Notation. Then it works until "something" happens...Regards. Marc

Sherry C 03-11-2011 01:41 AM

Re: Select troubles
Hi Marc,

What steps are you taking to try to select something?

A typical set of steps to select a single note might be:

1. Open a .mid file in Notation Composer.
2. Click the "Select" mode button in the toolbar.
3. Click on the 2nd quarter note in the first measure of the top staff.

Giving me some precise steps for your method of selection will help me to narrow down the possibilities.

It looks like from your screen shot that you're pressing the "S" key and clicking in a staff. The "S + mouseclick" shortcut is used for Staff, not Select. (I also see that it's not included in the Help/Users Guide - Appendix A - Keyboard shortcuts either - gotta fix that.)

If you want to use a keyboard shortcut to help in selecting a region, Ctrl + mouse drag is the one you'd want.

If the above "notes" (pun intended ;) ) don't help, please do let me know a bit more detail.


telemiles 03-12-2011 06:26 AM

Re: Select troubles
Sherry, May be I have a clue. I use an optic mouse and wonder if there is not troubles there. I will test with an other equipment and keep you inform. Regards. Marc

telemiles 03-12-2011 07:41 AM

Re: Select troubles
No, sorry. It is not the mouse...Well I sum up: After a "quiet" working moment, I click on the + or "arrow" button, I select a note. When I click on the staff to add it, I get the window "select staff" and cannot enter anything. I have to restart Notation to be able to enter some notes. After this, the cycle starts again : a few notes are added without trouble and then... I just add I use Notation for years and I know how to add, select and so on. That is not the problem. It seems something "confuses" at some point notation (I think it is when I switch from a button to another one ( "+" button and "arrow" button or when selecting quarter notes and change to eigth for instance).Regards.Marc

dj 03-12-2011 11:21 AM

Re: Select troubles
Hi, Marc:

You may need to uninstall and then reinstall Composer.

The behaviour you describe is very unusual and sounds (to me, at least) like a corrupted installation.

You may need to do a re-download: the steps are outlined around here somewhere.


Sherry C 03-12-2011 11:45 AM

Re: Select troubles
Hi guys,

I was going to suggest what David did, especially given that you've used Composer before with apparently no problem. Especially if Windows does its "archive/compact/rearrange/defragment" thing(s), it can sometimes mess up software.

You can visit any time to have your download link emailed to you.

If a reinstall doesn't fix the problem, and given the good info that you've given about your situation, a couple other "maybes" come to mind:

1. The "s" key on your keyboard may be "twitchy" (this happened to a key on my kids' computer keyboard one time)

2. If you go back and forth between a couple of different machines but are using the same keyboard, the software that does the switching may be sticking. A friend of mine used to have this problem as well.

Let's hope the reinstall fixes the problem :)


telemiles 03-12-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Select troubles
Hi again Sherry. Yes I will try to desintall and reinstall and use only the computer touch pad and keyboard at the beginning (I am currently using an optical keyboard/mouse) We will see. Regards. Marc

Sherry C 03-12-2011 01:36 PM

Re: Select troubles
Hi Marc,

Crossing my fingers here for you :)


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