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Sherry C 01-31-2011 11:41 AM

In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Hello friends,

I am posting this news in this section so that folks can share here if you want to.

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I bring to you the news of Mark Walsen's passing. Mark was the founder and president of Notation Software, Inc. His vision was to create music software that "everyday musicians" could use to help them enjoy and make music as part of their lives. I know that many of us have benefited and continue to benefit from his vision. We will miss him tremendously.

If you would like to send condolences to his family, you can send them to:

The Walsen Family
317 - 109th Ave S.E.
Bellevue, WA 98004

Play a song today and remember Mark - a great musician, developer, and a friend.


herbert 02-01-2011 05:23 AM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
In memory and respect of Mark Walsen

I am so very sad to hear about Mark leaving us to go to a better world.

To many of us, Mark was a friend we have never met in person but still a true friend, leaving a lasting impression on us and enriching our lives.

With respect and as always with best wishes to Mark.

Deep sympathy and condolences to family and friends of Mark


mgj32 02-01-2011 07:57 AM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
I have been sitting here, for I'd guess an hour, first grappling with belief that Mark is gone; next going over all the words associated with the time of funerals, and finally recalling a sermon by Donne and poems by Auden, Shelly and Wordsworth. but words seem too general to connect with what I am feeling. I am acquainted with the heartache of mourning and offer my sympathy to all who mourn the absence of Mark Walsen.

After I have listened again to the music you have shared, there will come into existence some music to make up for all the words that have been running through my mind. From wherever you might be in the multiverse, I hope you will hear and enjoy it.

We mourn an end, but you have moved on. As usual, all the best to you there.


dj 02-01-2011 11:55 AM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
A friend I never met and spoke to but once, whose ideas and vision have had a profound effect on my life and work.

I have no further words right now.


Sherry C 02-01-2011 05:45 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Howdy friends,

Tim Fatchen posted this tribute, which you can view here or on YouTube:

Eric Laake has also posted a musical tribute to Mark as well, which you can view on the Notation Software Facebook page.

Thank you, friends. Mark would have appreciated having music made in his honor and memory.

Grace to us all,

djimtio 02-02-2011 08:55 AM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Thanks Mark for the joy you have given us ,daily musicians,for sharing your musical ambitions and I will keep remembering you every time I start up NC.
Herewith also my sincere condolences to family and friends.
Too sad for more words.

Sherry C 02-02-2011 01:26 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Howdy friends,

Not only was Mark a great musician, developer, and forum friend, but he and I became good friends over the years as I worked with him here at Notation Software. He would exchange email and chat with my kids, who referred to him as Uncle Mark. My son Tommy put together a couple of different Lego stop action videos for Mark, and the last one he made as a gift to Mark you can see here.


Sherry C 02-02-2011 07:56 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Hi friends,

In case you ever wondered what one of our "Notation Software Corporate Meetings" looked like, please enjoy this tribute to Mark.


rrayner 02-03-2011 07:48 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Mark and I never met. We had only communicated through this Forum. It is with heavy hearts that my wife Cynthia and I extend our condolences to his family and friends. I don't remember when I bought Notation Composer -- somewhere about 2 years ago -- but I've come to marvel at what an ingenious application Mark had developed. The complexity of his work is amazing. We will feel his passing deeply.

Ralph & Cynthia Rayner

veneman 02-04-2011 06:38 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Nearly at the other end of the world I had no opportunity to meet Mark.
After disppointed trying many different products to make notations for our club I stumbled accidentially over notation at the moment the one of the first beta's came available and was invited by Mark to be involved in suggest and test improvements. I became rapidly very much impressed by his great skills, ability to listen to all us beta testers and very structural approach to improve the product to one of the unique and best userfriendly music writing tool.

Although mostly technical working with Mark, the way working an communicating with him, made me feeling now to loose a very good friend.
I know the last year he was facing business and private difficulties and hoping and working hard towards positive times and conditions. It's really sad he could not continue that.

Apart from his great skills and knowledge as programmer, I much more feel we lost a great person, exellent working relationship, and very good friend.

I wish al strenght for his family members to overcome this much to early loss of your husband, and father. But also for Sherry who worked so intensively together with Mark, loosing her best friend and business partner.



NotationUser 02-05-2011 05:46 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
I am shocked... lacking words... still can't believe that also I never met Mark in person too. It's a huge loss.

Don't misunderstand but I ask myself if this is the end of Notation Software too?

Sherry C 02-05-2011 05:53 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen


Don't misunderstand but I ask myself if this is the end of Notation Software too?
The short answer is contained at this thread.


NotationUser 02-05-2011 06:39 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Thanks for that hint.

I still can't believe what happened...

garritan 02-07-2011 01:15 AM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen

I am so saddened by the news of Mark's passing.

Mark was a true genius and pioneer in notation software. His passion was to make music software that every musician could use. Mark did graphical sequencing in notation years before anyone else did By combining his vision for music making with his 30+ years experience doing software development, he gave a remarkable gift to us all that will endure. He was one of the nicest persons I've met and one of my heroes.

The world has lost a great man and he will be missed.

Our condolences to Mark's immediate family and his extended family that is this community.

In deep sympathy,

Gary Garritan

musicxml 02-07-2011 05:42 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
I first met Mark nine years ago at the NAMM show in Anaheim. We had a lot of great conversations over the years about notation and music making software. Just a week and a half ago he called up to discuss a MusicXML question. Then four days later Sherry notified me of his passing. It was quite a shock.

My deepest sympathies to Mark's family, friends, colleagues, and the larger Notation Software community.

Michael Good
Recordare LLC

Sherry C 02-08-2011 08:22 AM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Hi friends,

The family has asked that any donations in Mark's memory be made to The Bellevue Youth Theatre Foundation (

The Walsen family was heavily involved with this local youth theatre when their children were growing up.


funkycornwall 02-08-2011 10:42 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
I am so saddened today as I read the news of Mark's passing. I never met him in person but discussed many music matters particularly relating to MIDI music notation and its ability to handle tempo changes whilst still preserving clarity of notation. Mark had a profound knowledge in this area and Notation Composer's handling of MIDI and notation reflects this.

Please accept my sincere condolences to Mark's family. He will be sadly missed.

Sherry C 02-09-2011 04:13 PM

Re: In Memoriam: Mark Walsen
Hello friends,

You can view Mark's online obituary and leave a note of condolence for the family here.

Grace and peace,

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