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Jeffrey610 01-06-2020 12:33 AM

Come together
1 Attachment(s)
I was looking over the "Share your Music" threads and felt there was an under-lying reasoning or order that I might have missed. Is it true that this Forum is for transposed non-copyrighted music. . .music in the public domain? Or, is it to put in the public domain songs and music that is copywritten but 'Transposed to Notation Composer" for access, study and Just plain fun using Notation and the many uses one can get out of Notation Composer?
Well, maybe Sherry can answer that. . .or tell me the real reason for "Share your Music." Meanwhile, Just for Fun, I transposed a song that is not in the public domain, copywritten and familiar to many. Hope I did it justice. . . DOG ME. . .anyone?


dj 01-06-2020 12:53 PM

Re: Come together
Hi, Jeffrey:

The simple explanation is that it is illegal to distribute, in any form, copyrighted material that you do not own -- or have paid for -- the rights to. That's the whole point of copyright.

That being said, I don't think anyone is going to worry over your fun transcription of Come Together. Very nice job with the quirky and difficult-to-make-sound-right drum line.

My son played keyboards in the pit band for a production of a Beatles tribute show and I always looked forward to his Rhodes piano solo on this number.

This is, however, the first time I ever understood all the lyrics!

All the best,


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