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Jeffrey610 09-11-2019 09:35 PM

Spanish Song
1 Attachment(s)
I am brand new to this forum and Notation Composer sharing. I wrote this piece a while ago. It has never been heard publicly before. Can you please comment and evaluate. I would love to improve the NOISES in my head.

dj 09-12-2019 12:28 PM

Re: Spanish Song
Hi, Jeffrey:

Welcome to the forum.

Spanish Song is a very nice piece with lots of fun energy happening -- a little bit Santana-esque here and there. The Latin percussion is very well done. A very nice way to start my morning.

Your use of stereo placement with multiple tracks of the same instrument is a nice touch, however, I'll point out that the multiple percussion tracks won't show up with different stereo placement because they use the same MIDI channel, which can only have one stereo placement -- usually that of the last track in the list.

When using multiple tracks of the same line, a little MIDI trick to widen the stereo picture is to use the tools under the Piano Roll tab to slightly shift the notes in one track forward or back for a slight chorus or even echo effect.

It's also fun to use the GraphOverNotes™ tab and the Pan tool (L R over an arrowed line) to shift a track's pan during the course of the piece, for a little extra movement.

A little note: the End Bar barline (thin line/thick line) you're using to indicate new sections is generally reserved for the actual end of the piece. I use a double barline (Select the barline with the mouse cursor then press "2") to indicate new sections.

Thanks for sharing your music with us and I look forward to hearing more.

All the best.


rrayner 09-15-2019 04:36 PM

Re: Spanish Song
KUDOS!! Well written/orchestrated. If these be the noises in your head, please share more! I've tried dabbling around the edge of percussion a bit, but you are well beyond me - you've done a marvelous job. Thank you for sharing! Ralph Rayner

ronaldstone 09-21-2019 05:21 PM

Re: Spanish Song
Jeffrey, What a superb piece of writing and arranging. I've played it over and over and over. Each time, discover something I didn't hear/notice the previous time. How wonderful this software is, that it lets one see all the architecture in a song. Because I've played in bands, I can understand all instruments except drums. I have never gotten a good understanding of how people can construct drum parts. The only way that I see that it could be done, is to have a live performance. Short of that, it's always been a mystery to me. Again, what a marvelous arrangement you have created.

Jeffrey610 09-22-2019 10:27 PM

Re: Spanish Song
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you all. . .for just listening. . .I'm just humbled that you listened to my musical whimsy. I'm especially thankful for the help with doubling up on the Pan and Stereo Picture. I now have Notation Composer 3, which has echo and a wider, fuller sound when played back. I'm so happy that David suggested the track delay for drums. I will use it judiciously.
I was deeply thinking (maybe over-thinking) that a comment or two had decided I create within a genre, (hence "Spanish Song") but I can assure you that it was just the noises of the moment. I have had many moments. Too many to call a genre. . . too many to call anything. . .but noises. Here is another. Please comment. All observations are welcome.
I've learned more from falling down. . .than from standing tall!

Attached is: "A MESSAGE TO YOUR SOUL" B-)

rrayner 09-22-2019 10:49 PM

Re: Spanish Song
Another gem, Jeffery. Thank you. My soul received your message well.

I hope you take this as a compliment - I'm in my office listening to this piece, and my wife Cynthia, from the kitchen, said, "Do you have a new Steely Dan?" I love their Jazz/Rock fusion, and if I knew their drummer's name, if would give him strong compliments. I believe I have all their CDs. I was introduced to the band in a grocery store (believe it or not - Musak) when I first heard "Babylon Sisters" - great, driving rhythm. Your drum parts in your postings have that drive.

Would you mind if I harvested some of you drum licks? I could use them or variations in some of the swing band pieces I arrange. I get a lot of ideas from other writers and try to put them to good use.

Ralph Rayner

Jeffrey610 09-23-2019 10:57 AM

Re: Spanish Song/ Message to your Soul
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you, Mr. rrayner. I'm overwhelmed by your kind words. I feel there must be some mistake or misunderstanding afoot, as you cannot be commenting about my rambling noises.
They are like children, yes I may have spawned them, but as they grow, they go where they want and never leave my sight or my mind until they are able to walk out on their own accord. I always feel they are immature and still need work and superior guidance, but they don't follow any advice I have. . .so, there they are. . .Raw and unyielding.
As for the drum tracks, I do not believe one can copyright drum tracks, so, if you feel the need to HARVEST, periodically give me a shout out.
Speaking of Drum Tracks, 'dj' made some very interesting suggestions about Widening the Stereo Picture. I went Nuts!!! I just wrote this piece based upon his suggestions. I couldn't find a good way to Utilize the shifting piano roll thing-y, but everything else went over like Snow in the Arctic.
It's not finished. . .but "I Know Now"!


flyingtadpole 10-26-2019 05:28 AM

Re: Spanish Song
For a whole lot of reasons, I haven't been active in these forums for years, even though I use Notation Composer almost every day. But I saw this and thought I'd have a listen AND a look (that's what's really great with this program!) and your Spanish Song bowled me over. Especially the percussion. Now I'm telling myself to stop being lazy and start ARRANGING things better. Nothing like a good wakeuup call! Thank you!

Tim Fatchen

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