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whack47 08-12-2010 07:40 PM

Improving Layout
I'd rather use Notation than Finale. Note selection and editing is much easier than Finale, and I think using the chromatic scale as a basis for changing pitches is superior to the way it's set up in Finale.

The problem is that printed scores from Finale look better. I know this is a complex issue: it involves spacing between notes and staves and systems, the thickness of ledger lines. I can give more details later.

Some other things:
(I'm using version 2.6.1)
When I right-click, it toggles between ADD mode and REGION SELECT mode.
When I right-click while moving the mouse, it toggles between ADD mode and SELECT mode. That doesn't make sense.

I don't see the point of region select mode. I can select a region using select mode by using my control button.

Also, I don't like rest mode. Dealing with rests is much easier in Notation than Finale, but I find that I'm in rest mode whenever I click a rest. I've never used rest mode. I manipulate rests by adding notes. I guess I could just be careful and not click rests anymore...

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