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PeterK5 08-05-2015 09:57 AM

Workaround for silenced Notation version 2 in Windows 10
I just got caught out by the Windows 10 upgrade silencing Notation (I use version 2). I found the workaround here:
but now see the fix is also mentioned on other threads.

Here are some more details.

1. Download
2. Download and uncompress it (e.g. right-click and "extract all").
3. Open the sfArk folder and double-click sfArk.exe
4. Click "file" "open" and choose the FluidR3_GM.sfArk file you downloaded in step 1 (probably in your downloads folder). Click "open"
5. Click "file" "set target folder" and choose somewhere to store the FluidR3 _GM file (remember where this is).
6. Go to
Scroll to the very bottom and click on
CoolSoft_VirtualMIDISynth_1.13.2.exe (don't worry if the numbers at the end differ from 1.13.2)
7. Double-click the file you just downloaded. If prompted, enter an administrator password. Install the program. Optionally, uncheck (untick) "VirtualMIDISynth needs soundfont files to work, open Coolsoft website ...".
8. You will now have the program "Configure Coolsoft VirtualMIDIsynth" open but you can open it again if needed from the Windows start menu or it may open automatically if needed when you start Notation.
9. Click the plus button at the top right, locate the FluidR3_GM file you downloaded in step 5 and click "open". Click "OK".

The links above came from


Sherry C 08-05-2015 12:41 PM

Re: Workaround for silenced Notation version 2 in Windows 10
Hi Peter,

Glad you've got sound going. Your post here serves as a sort of "gathering thread" for the various ones for alternate MIDI device sources that we have on the User Forum. Nice work :)

Just a few added notes (bad pun ;) )
  • We are working on an internal synth that uses soundfonts for our software so that folks won't have to install any third-party software, nor fuss with the settings in order to get good sounds with Windows 10. That is now in testing and is looking really good. We plan to release it soon.
  • Unless something has changed just recently, you will also need a virtual MIDI cable to be able to use SynthFont. You can get a single virtual MIDI cable free at - you want the last download for LoopBe1. You can find full tutorial videos on how to work with these on our Tutorial Videos page here in the forum.
  • The CoolSoft Virtual MIDI Synth does not require a virtual MIDI cable and is probably the easiest solution for now. It usually gives you sound right off, but some users have had to "fiddle" with settings.
  • If you don't rely on the default GS Wavetable for your sound (ie. you use an external keyboard, third-party sound library, etc.) then you should still be able to use those MIDI devices UNLESS they are affected by the changes in the Windows 10 operating system. You'll need to check the manufacturer's website if you're experiencing issues.


PeterK5 08-05-2015 01:58 PM

Re: Workaround for silenced Notation version 2 in Windows 10
Hi Sherry

Thanks. I only used the Synthfont website to access the 'Fluid' sound file - I'm not using the Synthfont software itself. I just needed to play back midi files which is now fine again so I don't think I'll need any other software but others using more advanced midi features or devices may. Let's hope Microsoft get this sorted so others don't also get unexpectedly caught out by Windows 10 (but I know Notation mentioned it on Windows forums last year - it looks like it may take a while!).


Sherry C 08-05-2015 02:17 PM

Re: Workaround for silenced Notation version 2 in Windows 10
Hi Peter,


Originally Posted by PeterK5 (Post 66291)
Let's hope Microsoft get this sorted so others don't also get unexpectedly caught out by Windows 10 (but I know Notation mentioned it on Windows forums last year - it looks like it may take a while!).

We were hoping that with the very advanced notice about the problem from us and others that Microsoft would have taken action, but as Reinhold points out in his thread, Microsoft has pretty much just ignored the issue. We decided to be proactive and thus will be rolling out an updated v 3.0.3 that includes an internal synth so that no one should be without sound. We plan to release this version no later than the end of October, but hopefully much sooner.

Just as an fyi, we have some soundfont resources listed in this thread near the beginning of the conversation. You can also find more by searching for "soundfont" here on the forum. There are lots of good sounds out there, and with the added capability of Composer 3.0.3 (to be released) to export a .wav file, you will be able to share those nice sounds with others :)


Reinhold H. 10-21-2015 07:44 AM

Re: Workaround for silenced Notation version 2 in Windows 10
Let me add anonther comment here to this workaround for silenced Notation version 2 in Windows 10.

After Microsoft is pushing customers, in some countries almost forcing customers to upgrade to Windows 10 we get many inquiries from version 2 customers asking for support of version 2 on Windows 10.

From a license perspective the use of CoolSoft (+ public soundfonts) as a workaround is a use of each individual. CoolSoft's license "VirtualMIDISynth is freeware, use it as you like" is private license which each individual may use for his own needs. Notation Software cannot use CoolSoft as an alternative solution for version 2 on Windows 10. CoolSoft is based on the BassMidi software from un4seen. We at Notation Software do not own a license from un4seen nor has version 2 being sold to customers with this license. The BassMidi license is free for non-commercial use but for commercial use it is expensive. Therefore CoolSoft itself does not sell the software but asks users for donations. It is up to each individual to donate to CoolSoft.

As of today, CoolSoft does not offer realtime capabilites either which are essential for the realtime recording feature of Composer. These are the reasons why CoolSoft is just a workaround.

Btw. we have announced on Nov. 30th, 2014 (almost one year ago) that for various reasons (see here) a certification of version 2 for Windows 10 is not possible and the support of version 2 will end this Nov. 30th, 2015.


Reinhold H. 11-13-2015 05:08 PM

Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth now working in Windows 10 version 1511
We have some good news to report for Notation Software version 2 customers who want to use Windows 10. Microsoft fixed the bug when using the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth which I have reported on Dec. 2nd, 2014. With the new Windows 10 version 1511 sounds are audible when playing songs with version 2.

As announced one year ago (see here) we do not certify version 2 on Windows 10 and will terminate the support of version 2 at the end of this month on Nov. 30th, 2015.

A license 2 stays in effect and license holders of version 2 can use the software as long as they want but without support. A version 2 license can be upgraded at a discounted upgrade price to version 3. The Upgrade Assistant on our website shows which options exist.


Reinhold H. 11-15-2015 03:57 AM

Microsoft GS Wavetable may still do not work on Windows 10
May be I was too optimistic with the last post. There are latest reports on the Microsoft Windows 10 forum that the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth is still not fully functioning. Please see here.

With the internal "Notation Software Synth" there is now a solution available which makes our products independant of Microsoft.


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