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tango 07-24-2009 11:21 PM

Keyboard Player Window
A piano keyboard window. This would reflect what is played and would have the standard buttons for:

rewind, forward, play, stop and pause.

The best features this keyboard player/display would have:

Next Note/Chord
Prev Note/Chord

These would allow the stepping thru the notation one musical event at a time, showing on the keyboard the notes being played.

If the piece has two Staves, ie. LH and RH, the Keyboard would display the keys in different colors to differentiate LH and RH notes.

A Tempo window could allow the manipulation of tempo for practice/playback.

This enhancement to Notation would be a superb new version feature.


herbert 07-25-2009 10:54 AM

Re: Keyboard Player Window
Hi tango,

Are you talking about fingering?


tango 07-25-2009 02:32 PM

Re: Keyboard Player Window

Originally Posted by herbert (Post 11900)
Hi tango,

Are you talking about fingering?


I'm talking about having a visual representation of the staves on a keyboard. The notes highlighted in the score should be color highlighted on a keyboard. Actual fingering - if you mean which finger should be on which key- would be up to the musician. If two staves are shown, then each staff should have its own color. ie. Treble Clef - blue, Bass Clef - green. This enhancement will facilitate players in quickly associating notes and chords with actual piano keys. I suppose the same would be useful for fretboard players - to be fair. I also play guitar. I sincerely believe, having been in Information Tech for many years that most of the code is already there since the staves are already highlighted as the piece is being played. It would be a matter of tapping into that process by adding an additional one for the display of the notes/chords on either a keyboard of fretboard window. This would certaintly be a killer feature for those visual learners LIKE ME and many others... Tango

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