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Sherry Crann (sherry) 04-24-2005 10:02 PM

Howdy, This song is more &#

This song is more "new agey" than true "electronica" (at least as I understand the labels). Anyway, my son Aaron was the inspiration for this piece. He has figured out a way to get the music from one of his favorite computer programs to override the sound on most any of his games (they only have educational ones ), and so that was the grain of inspiration which started this one. As I was messing around with some soundfonts in the file I had started for this, he heard some (the johnnypad 2 and the jungle effects), and he said "Play that again! I like that one!", so we started messing around with more stuff, and after cleaning it up a bit, this was it. I used soundfonts for the recording that I put on my site at, and this is the .not file that I used for that:

<center><table border=1><tr><td>'s meditation at soundclick
Aaron's meditation.not (55.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>

I tried re-doing the file a bit for GM sounds, and of course it doesn't sound as nice, but here's a copy of the re-done file:

<center><table border=1><tr><td>'s meditation GM version
Aaron's meditation GM.not (55.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

For those who aren't trying out Composer Pro, here are the .mid files for each:

<center><table border=1><tr><td>'s meditation at soundclick
Aaron's meditation.mid (4.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td>'s meditation GM version
Aaron's meditation GM.mid (4.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Aaron seems to have an innate rhythm going on endlessly - he plays his guitar quite a lot, as well as messing around with the keyboard, dancing a lot, and even when he's being funny, he often sings things to me. And when he's done, he's done



Sherry Crann (sherry) 04-25-2005 03:10 AM

Howdy, I should have also m

I should have also mentioned that the above piece was very improvisational. I used Composer Pro to record in some chords from my Kaysound MK-4902 (new-to-me acquisition off ebay, for $80!), then added tracks as I wanted and assigned the soundfonts to each.

The nice thing with Composer/Pro is that you can preview how the sounds are going to "fit" with the other tracks before you record, so it's not a jarring experience. For me, there is enough jar because while I can usually get the timing right, I don't always hit the right key, so the pitches are sometimes off. However, that's easy enough to fix after I record I can also record multiple "takes", and using "Edit/Undo" I can go back to any of them, or I can set up multiple tracks to record into.

Anyway, after deciding what tracks I was going to use, I would record each one, then I made adjustments (such as the fade in / fade out of the jungle effects track) using the various graphing tools, or by selectively editing notes.

I did this whole song in just a matter of a couple hours work time, and that was even with "help" from my kids


Mark Walsen (markwa) 09-03-2005 03:52 AM

Hello All, For a moment of
Hello All,

For a moment of musical peacefulness, be sure to listen the the audio version of Aaron's Meditation at At Sherry's SoundClick page, click the sort of difficult-to-find 'music' text click, to go to her list of music, where you'll find Aaron's Meditation.

Unless you have the same sound fonts that Sherry used, a GM soundcard cannot adequately share what this music is about.

-- Mark

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