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Sherry Crann (sherry) 02-27-2007 03:26 PM

Howdy folks, Many of you kn
Howdy folks,

Many of you know Fred Winterling, and how his wife Patsy had been diagnosed with cancer. She had surgery which was very successful, and the following is the email that he sent to me and Mark regarding her followup consultation with her oncologist.

I would like to personally thank you folks for showing Fred so much support. I'm honored to be in such good company

Fred says:

More great news about Patsy's prognosis:

A consultation with the medical oncologist today determined that Patsy is
a candidate for Hormonal Therapy. It was recommended that she not need
Chemotherapy or Radiation treatment and that she begin Hormonal Therapy.
She will be taking Femara ( a very expensive drug ) for 5 years, but will
not need chemo or radiation. The doctor stated that taking chemotherapy
along with the hormonal treatment would only be beneficial minimally, at
best. That means that she will be able to return home to Virginia and
take a pill every day for 5 years. She will see the doctor again in 3
months to be sure that she is having no problem with the drug. She will,
however have to remain in Baltimore another 10 days or so because she had
some fluid in the surgery area that had to be drained and they may to
drain it again next week. The fluid was causing some swelling and some
discomfort (especially sleeping) and the draining should help to lessen
that discomfort.

I am totally convinced that this great news is a direct result of all the
prayers and support from all the wonderful people on this forum. I am
indebted to all of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for such
dramatic support. I would like to ask that you make an annoucement to the
general forum concerning this news... Thank you again for all your prayers
and thank you Sherry for posting to the Church bass group
and for all their prayers. God bless you all!!

Fred Winterling


Jaap Veneman (jaapv) 02-27-2007 03:31 PM

Dear Fred, This is really
Dear Fred,

This is really good news. Wish your wife all strength to recover from the operation and very much success with the medication.
Its very good news that she does not need chemo and/or radiation which makes things worse for some time.



Fred Winterling (harbor1) 02-27-2007 04:34 PM

Hello Jaap, Thank you ever so
Hello Jaap,
Thank you ever so much! Yes, it is great news not only concerning her chances for survival but also the avoidance of such harsh therapy and the months of difficult treatment. In a short while we will be able to return to our comfort zone in Virginia. Although I still own my home of 46 years in Baltimore, it just doesn't feel like home any more. I promised " I'll be Bach " and now I expect to be back with a vengeance. I can already feel the motivation to get back to writing that has been missing lately. Thanks again to all of you!

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 02-27-2007 04:37 PM

Hi Sherry, Thanks for posting
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for posting the follow up on Patsy. I, too, am honored to be in such great company!


Mark Walsen (markwa) 02-27-2007 05:28 PM

Hello Fred, What would the
Hello Fred,

What would the music sound like if it could express how you feel about Patsy's good news? Would it be grand? Or peaceful? Or ?
It would end happy.

-- Mark

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 02-27-2007 07:11 PM

Hi Mark, You said" "
Hi Mark,

You said" "What would the music sound like if it could express how you feel about Patsy's good news? Would it be grand? Or peaceful? Or ?
It would end happy."

Patsy is a diehard fan of Mark Anthony. She loves the Latin beats, especially Salsa. I am working on one for her that she is already in love with. The beat is there with piano, base and drums. But I only have "snippets" of melodies and instrumentation scattered throughout. It will take quite some time to get it to where I want it. I can't work on it here in Baltimore ( the sound on my old computer stinks ). I can't get the feel without six speakers cranked up and blaring in my ears. So, I guess you could say the music would sound "happy"....very, very happy!


M G Jacobs (mgj32) 02-28-2007 08:34 AM

Hi Fred, I was hoping that
Hi Fred,

I was hoping that good news would come in bunches and the news about the continuing therapy sounds very good.

By coincidence, the piece I was working on when the news arrived here is one that gets happier and happier. Take a look (in page view) and a listen. It's Prelude VI.

Can't wait to hear the Salsa.

all best,

David Jacklin (dj) 02-28-2007 01:31 PM

Hi, Fred: Our thoughts stay
Hi, Fred:

Our thoughts stay with you and Patsy.


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 02-28-2007 01:35 PM

Hi MG, Thank you! and Patsy
Hi MG,

Thank you! and Patsy thanks you also! I played Prelude VI for her and it really made her feel good. I like it a lot. It is my favorite Prelude
I can't wait to hear the Salsa either. Right now it is a jumbled mess.
At least the basis is hot. The piano, bass and drum rhythm parts may be the best Salsa I have done to date, but the rest is far from what it requires. I think if I can ever finish it, it will be much better than Funky Salsa. Which, by the way, has climbed to #23 in the Latin Salsa category on Soundclick. It has been selected by 15 stations in the past 3 weeks and is being played an average of 300 times per month and downloaded by users at least 100 times per month. My other songs are being played more than usual but not nearly as much as the salsa. In the past, playing latin rhythms has been the hardest for me. But with Patsy playing Mark Anthony CD's all day ( as loud as she can without blowing the speakers ) it's been getting into my blood.

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 02-28-2007 01:46 PM

Hi David, Thank you again f
Hi David,

Thank you again for your support! You and so many others on this forum have been very kind to Patsy and me at a very tough time. It has meant the world to both of us!


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