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Jeffrey610 11-24-2023 03:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I greet all with gladness in my heart, joy in my spirit and peace towards everyone.
I have just crafted the BEST TUNE EVER!!!
I know that sounds boastful and arrogant. And that being said, I hope you find this tune interesting and complex and joyous and easy to listen to.
I did. . . and I wrote it :D.
It was inspired by the Native Indians of America and their influence upon me over the years. I lived in Northern California in the Seventies and Fished and Hunted and Smoked Salmon on the beach over an open campfire. Real joy!

And now, full circle, I give back what the earth has given me. . .Joy!
I hope you like it. Mahk ee-weh :cool:

dj 11-24-2023 04:57 PM

Kwe-kwe to you, Jeffrey!

I've just pulled my head off the pillow (after a cold) and out of the screen (after three weeks of non-online activity for the purposes of deadlines), so it was nice to be greeted by a new composition from you.

Another fun piece with lots of movement and energy. Have you thought of giving it some lyrics? It seems it might be amenable to that.

Kwe-kwe is, by the way, the full extent of my knowledge of the Anishinaabe (Algonquin) tongue (simply meaning 'hello'). The Anishinaabe being the First Nation in this region.

All the best,


Jeffrey610 11-24-2023 07:59 PM

Thank you dj for the kind reply.
Yes I have thought of a Lyrical treatment, but unfortunately did not include that.
I think that lyrics are from the, heart and should convey your feelings and internal expressions. My thought pattern was “Not the one to tell”. As you may surmise, those lyrical ideas may not convey the spirit or pace of the song. Example:

I think you know.
Even Though
You said No
I’m sure it shows.

Your Squeezing me
Trying to compel.
I’m not the one,
The one to tell.

And it drones on. . . and on. . .and. . .
So, I did not include it. Maybe you have a better treatment for the melody. I’d be amiable to hear and include it as a supplement, if you care to try. Maybe, a co-authorship is in the future. I’m game!😎

PS: 'Eyota' is a Native Tribe of Minnesota. The Meaning of 'Mahk ee-weh' is "Great", taught to me by my 'Ohlone' Tribal friend, Joshua Treebear, a long time ago.


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