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Sherry C 10-07-2011 12:23 PM

Favorite .mid to audio tool?
Hi friends,

I know that some folks use Notation Musician and Notation Composer to create audio files (I've done that myself). I'm wondering about some of your favorite tools for accomplishing this. I think having this type of information concentrated in one place will help others who are looking to do this conversion, as well as maybe show all of us some new tools to consider.

So, if you have a favorite .mid to audio conversion tool, please let us know. If possible, please include a link to the informational/download page for the program.

For myself, one of my favorites is Audacity (free/donate at Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder ) It's easy to use for recording the performance of my files from Composer. This way I capture the sound exactly as I've got it in Composer (I often use sound fonts or libraries for my MIDI devices) and I can also add effects (eg. reverb) easily after I've got the "dry" recording done. I can also trim and edit pretty easily.

Another one is SynthFont (donation at, which will render a .mid file into an audio file without having to do any editing. I've had occasional hiccups with this one, but overall it's a very quick and easy method if I just need a "no frills" audio file.


dj 10-08-2011 11:39 AM

Re: Favorite .mid to audio tool?
Hi, Sherry:

I often save the final piece as a .mid and import it to Magix Samplitude Music Studio, which lets me use multiple VSTs and VSTi's to create the sound I want.

It's garbage for notation, though.

If I'm using outboard synths (of which I have one or two (my wife just shouted "Twenty-three!")), then I use Composer to drive the hardware and record on a Zoom MRS-1044 multi-track recorder -- then dump everything back to the computer and use Magix to finish the mix.

The Hammonds, pianos and guitars I still have to play by hand.


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