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wwwpdx 05-02-2014 09:25 PM

Voice changes in Midi.
When opening some midi files NM changes all the voices to Grand Piano. What causes this and how do I prevent it.

Sherry C 05-02-2014 09:58 PM

Re: Voice changes in Midi.

Some MIDI files generated by certain devices are not GM format .mid files. Notation Musician 2.6.3 and prior versions reverted these .mid files to GM format, and so did not handle the instrumentation properly in some cases (it does in most, just not all, as you've found). The latest version 3 of Notation Musician and Notation Composer does handle these cases to maintain the MIDI format of the original file and keep the proper banks and instrument patches.


herbert 05-03-2014 05:14 AM

Re: Voice changes in Midi.

GM wave tables are on all PC’s for free. They are only good to get you started and exchange midi files at the simplest level. You may need to edit the instruments in Staff Setup, if they are not right. Any serious work in today’s music production is done by the use of Sample Libraries. Sample Libraries do not and cannot fit the GM standard.

Classical music, pop music, sound tracks for TV drama and motion picture all may use some or even all music by the use of midi files, none would use GM wave tables.


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