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Matt Gruen (mattgruen) 10-28-2005 02:37 PM

Title: Rhapsody in C, D, E, F
Title: Rhapsody in C, D, E, F and G Major.

Rhapsody: A throwing-together of several semi-related themes floating around in a musician's mind.

Well, I've been working on this piece for some time now on my non-internet computer, as the internet was down for some time too on this computer. Well, here it is. The GM on my other computer is different, but the piece overall sounds the same to me.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
cdefg.not (478.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
cdefg2.not (80.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>

I hope you enjoy it, even if it is a little fast-paced; if I could rewrite it, the composition would give the audience some time to breathe. It is over the 500 KB limit by about 50 KB, and 'tis a .not file. So I divided into two parts at the most logical place, although it really flows too well.

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 10-31-2005 08:07 AM

Hi Matt, Your hope is reali
Hi Matt,

Your hope is realized as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed it.

I don't think more "breathing" time is necessary, any more than in, say, Ravel's "Bolero", which your composition reminds me of in some ways.

The scoring is rather interesting, e.g., the flute playing higher than the piccolo. I assume,though, that you are using the piccolo to represent some other instrument (an ocarina, perhaps?) since the piccolo can't play down in those regions.

But it works, for me anyhow, because, as I said, I did enjoy it. If the .not file is too large, you might considerr posting the midi version.

all best,

Matt Gruen (mattgruen) 11-01-2005 07:30 PM

Thanks, MG! While I like co
Thanks, MG!

While I like composing, I've never really done serious scoring (i.e., for an actual orchestra). So although now I have a handy chart, when writing this piece I was just cutting the heel (the instrument range) so that the shoe (the melody/harmony) would fit.

I've never heard of Ravel's "Bolero" before. I'll look into it (no doubt viewing the score with MidiNotate).

-MG (Matt Gruen)

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