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iandg 05-26-2018 11:00 AM

Something wrong here in spacing?
1 Attachment(s)
I'm going to post a couple of bars. There is a persistent problem that I can't get to the bottom of, in terms of the visual spacing of beats 3 and 4 of the first bar. It may also be relevant that I can't reset the bass E# to the enharmonic F (I'm not sure if that's right harmonically, but it'd be easier to read).
Any diagnosis / practical tips much appreciated.
Ian G
Wales UK

Sherry C 05-26-2018 06:57 PM

Re: Something wrong here in spacing?
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Ian,

There is indeed something odd with this snippet, and ergo probably with the parent file as well.

I was able to get the E# to display as F natural, but the chord names won't select to be deleted.

I tried entering the notes for the treble clef in by hand, and adding the chord names. My version looks fine, so I suspect that something that happened at some point in the parent file is causing the issue.

Attachment 1783

Can you give me a bit more history about the file, and perhaps the full parent file?


ronaldstone 05-26-2018 09:24 PM

Re: Something wrong here in spacing?
I did get your file to be correct by the following:
Bring in the 2 measure file.
Region Select All.
Edit Copy.
File New Piano.
Enter Region Select 2 measures (LH & RH).
Edit Paste.
Put Chords in manually for measure 1.
Raise Enharmonic E# to F (natural).
Should be good for new file and spaced well now.


iandg 05-27-2018 06:24 AM

Re: Something wrong here in spacing?
Good morning, Ronald and Sherri, and thank you for both your replies.
In essence, I am reassured that you both, in your different ways, confirm that there is something 'corrupt' here. That was what I was mainly wanting to confirm.
The history is that, in absolute original, the midi file behind this *.not is a professionally-produced one from PG Music's Modern Jazz Pianist application. I am currently doing a lot of editing from this file, and others like it, to produce a 'to see' score which is a good prompt for playing the piece.
As you can imagine, this involves using a wide range of NC's facilities, and I save the *.not file very often, usually with a rolling suffix (a,b,c or 1,2,3 or the number of bar reached). So there has been lots of chance for a glitch to creep in. It'd take a lot of effort, now, to trace back to where this particular detail first went wrong.
The not-quite-transcription edit is a fascinating process in itself, and I am beginning to produce scores that are not exact in every detail, but give me a sufficient, and most importantly, easily-read, prompt to play from. I am also actively making notes of the various techniques I use, and I will write them up for one of the other segments of this forum in the next few weeks.
BTW, Sherri, while we're here: I've only recently become aware of the BIAB plug-in, which I read somewhere on your site is available for limited-time free trial - but I couldn't find the download link. Could you post that, please ?
Ian G.
Wales UK

Sherry C 05-30-2018 05:07 PM

Re: Something wrong here in spacing?
Hi Ian,

I would love to see your notes on how you're using Composer's tools to facilitate making "readable notation" - that's exactly what Composer is all about! Please do share those here on the forum, because I'm sure that many other folks will benefit from your experience and expertise.

For the Band in a Box trial, it comes already set up in the v 3.1.1 update. If you (or anyone else who holds a version 3 license) has not updated to v 3.1.1, you can follow these steps:

To have the download link automatically sent to you, please visit the Update/Upgrade assistant page at

1. Enter your email address and click "Enter",

2. At Step 2, click to select the (1) license you want to update (2) the language variant you want, and click "Enter" below the language selection to continue.
3. At the Step 3, click to check the box beside the "This license of..." entry. A "Send link" button will appear.

4. Click the "Send Link" button, and you will receive an email with your download link in it.


iandg 05-30-2018 05:48 PM

Re: Something wrong here in spacing?
Thanks, Sherry

I will write up my 'practice' - just don't hold your breath !

Thanks for the answer re the plug-in. I have a laptop specifically for music (not the PC I'm now on) and NC on that is updated to the last you offered, a month or so ago 3. whatever - but it doesn't go online, which is maybe why I didn't see the relevant link. I also have my older NC 2.n on this PC and do a lot of work still in that.

It may be that as an actual; Biab user, the plug-in doesn't offer me anything, but I'd like to have a look at it.

Take care

Ian G:)

Sherry C 05-30-2018 06:00 PM

Re: Something wrong here in spacing?
Hi Ian,

I have an older full version of BIAB too, and the thing that I find the most useful about the plugin versus the full version is the ability to do multiple "takes" of a given song so that I have them all to hand in Composer for swapping in and out of my "final" version.

I'm using it at present to come up with an arrangement of a song for our big band ("Wanna Be Like You" from The Jungle Book) that I want to start out as a Bossa Nova style for the verses and then go into a walking "Nawlin's" jazz style for the chorus.

Using the Band in a Box plugin, I can easily change the style, do a number of "takes", listen to them, and then copy/paste the regions that I want into the "master" file that I've set up.

Of course I then need to take those and "fan them out" into the various instruments that we have in the big band, but the plugin makes doing this kind of thing a lot easier than doing the takes in the full version, saving them as a .mid file, then opening up those multiple files in Composer. With the plugin, all those "takes" are right there in the same file as their own Part.


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