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NotationUser 10-17-2010 10:07 AM

Cord name transcription to score?
Is there a way to transcribe cord names into score I can listen to?

The "cord builder" is great but the other way round would be even more helpful. Or will you tell me this is beyond scope of Composer and I should get Band in a Box? :confused:

I know that cord transcription would depend on instrument(s) and can still be ambiguous due to voicing but I don't think it can't be managed to get something usable. Maybe transcription options for "piano" and "guitar" like cords would be a great starting point for this. I know that can go to extremes wanting groove patterns or spreading voicing over orchestra strings... that's not what I really mean here.

Or did I just miss out again a feature that is already there? :eek:

Sherry C 10-17-2010 10:40 PM

Re: Cord name transcription to score?

We do have it on the wishlist to use the Chord Builder to add the chord notes to the score, if that is what you're asking.

Composer already transcribes chord names based on the notes already present in the score (and depending on which staves you select during the transcription process). That feature is in Text/Chord Names/Analyze chord names.


NotationUser 10-17-2010 11:11 PM

Re: Cord name transcription to score?
What I mean is to select a staff with cord names and start a function to transcribe these names into cord notes. A selection like "piano" or "guitar" could determine the generated voicing.

This does not necessarily need the Cord Builder - but of course using it would be the step by step option to get that.

When I am not wrong some midi files contain cord names too that some devices use to control for instance voice harmonization. But if there are already cord names it is close to think of making cord notes from them to get a starting point for simple cord accompaniment.

Maybe it's no good idea and you tell me get Band in a Box for that... do you? :D

Sherry C 10-18-2010 01:20 PM

Re: Cord name transcription to score?

Well, as I mentioned, the capability to insert notes based on chord names is slated for later. Your idea is definitely a good one as it would help with adding notes and voicings. But if you need such capability right now, then yes, you may need to consider purchasing Band in a Box.


NotationUser 10-18-2010 02:00 PM

Re: Cord name transcription to score?
Thanks for commenting on this.

I pretty well know that "voicing" and probably adding "groove patterns" to this process needs more than two simple thoughts and for sure this can't be rushed.

I would appreciate to read more opinions/ideas from other members/users here too.

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