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Mark Walsen (markwa) 04-14-2009 04:38 AM

Hello Notation Software Friend
Hello Notation Software Friends,

This post is mis-classified under (V2) Notation Composer and Musician Updates, but there doesn't seem to be a better place in the forum to ask for your review of some new website designs. Also, since you haven't seen any software updates for quite a while, it's probably appropriate for me to anticipate in this section of the forum this question you might have: "Why is Notation Software working on a new website instead of new software?" I'll answer that question first.

We've been in a recession, and Notation Software was hit pretty hard by it, like so many companies and individuals have been. For the first time in the then 14-year history of Notation Software, I started turning my efforts from development to marketing. Basically, development was put on hold for a while. To be honest, I much prefer to work on development and marketing. That's what I've learned during this recession-- a good lesson to learn, because I'm resolved now to bring in some marketing talent to Notation Software to make up for my deficiencies in that area. Several new marketing efforts are underway, including an entirely new website. These new marketing efforts will help to increase Notation Software's revenue so that it can fund more development, including the completion of the 3.0 version of Notation Composer that was started about two years ago but was interrupted.

So, you can indirectly help the Notation Software development by reviewing a pair of new website designs prepared by a professional website graphics artist that Notation Software has hired.

I'd appreciate your reviewing these two designs of the Notation Composer product page at:

These two pages are not "live"; rather, they are just pictures of the pages. So, clicking here and there won't do anything.

Please let me know whether you find these pages inviting or not, and your reasons why.

Here are some things to be aware of:
  • The page is designed for a screen width of 1024 or more. You might have to horizontally scroll the page to see all of it at once on your screen. If you can't see the full width, please let me know!
  • There's a known problem that the Notation Software logo at the top of the page has poor looking noteheads for the "o"s in the Notation Software text.
  • There will videos with sound. What you see illustrated is just a placeholder for what the beginning of the first video might look like.
  • Icons such as the bubble text and upgrade/download icons are just placeholders for more sensible ones that will replace them.
  • The little "NS" and 8th note at the page footer will be replaced with a better icon.
Which design 1 or 2 do you like better, and why?

Starting with the design 1 or 2 that you like better, how would you make it more appealing?

Thanking in advance for your feedback,

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 04-14-2009 06:01 AM

Hi Mark, I can see the full
Hi Mark,

I can see the full width, and find it quite attractive. I say "it" because both URLs lead to the same thing. However, I tried inserting a "2" for "1" after copy/pasting the address in a new tab, and would have to say that I liked the appearance of the one that came up better. Purely subjective, of course, but the colors seem somehow more serious, if that's the word, or perhaps I should say less glitzy.

The best feature might be the example panel with sound. I don't know, of course, exactly what will happen when one clicks "Let Composer Format It" or "Control How It Sounds," but I would suggest that both Windows and Page view be included in the progress from tab to tab. Also, that it might be useful to include links to more than one example, although the one shown seems appropriate, and that the examples contain several types of music, e.g., a hymn with lyrics and piano or organ accompaniment; a bit of a larger orchestral work (from the 4th section of the Overture to William Tell, or a familiar Mozart symphony; a contemporary song with the usual accompaniment would be good, but might involve copyright problems; and perhaps something in the Country vein. I'm not trying to be exhaustive; mainly just suggesting that there be examples that might appeal to the musical interests of more people. This panel seems to have a lot of potential. Would there be enough space to give the panel a title, such as "Examples of Using Composer" or "How Composer Works?"

Otherwise, as I switch between 1 and 2, something nagged at me and I think it is that other that the flashy blue of 1 or the blue-gray of 2, everything seems to have a white or very light gray background, with a lot of white space on the right part of the screen. Could some coordinated background color(s)be added at the bottom?

I'm afraid this won't be much help, since I have no experience with designing web pages. It's just a personal reaction, mostly to examples of usage, which I think quite exciting.

all best,

Djim Tio (djimtio) 04-14-2009 10:10 AM

Hi Mark After switching back
Hi Mark
After switching back and forth between design 1 and 2 :

a. I would go for version 2, because in some way more pleasing to read
b the whole screen is easily seen
c maybe less white spaces as suggested by MG
d the letters in the gray " quadrangle " on the bottom could be more
" readable" by matching those at the top " quadrangle "
Overall, it looks very professional to me just from a consumers view.
Concluding the vote of the Portugal " jury ",I wish you lots of succes with the ( our ) new website.

Sherry Crann (sherry) 04-14-2009 02:55 PM

Howdy folks, As MG pointed
Howdy folks,

As MG pointed out above, the urls should be:

In your feedback, please do designate between "1" and "2".


Peter B. (peter_b) 04-19-2009 06:09 PM

Vast improvement from current
Vast improvement from current home page.
Is now attractive, simple, clean, clear.
For me, the darker colour in version 2 has a feel of quality absent in ver.1

Please make users' target pages accessible within 3 clicks.

Peter B.

Mark Walsen (markwa) 04-23-2009 04:49 AM

Hello MG, Djim, Peter, and All
Hello MG, Djim, Peter, and All,

Thanks for your feedback on the new website design!

The darker, calmer design 2, that you voted for, is the one we ended up doing. I asked the graphics artist to take the calmer blue of design 2 about 15% of the way back to the more energetic "tropical" blue of design 1.

Many other tweaks were made in the final design. You can see the final design at:
There are three pages: (1) home, (2) Composer product, and (3) a Product Upgrade Wizard.

It will be several weeks before the new website is up and running.

Included in the new website will be an overhaul of this forum, to make it simpler, with only a few levels of organization. The new forum will probably happen sometime after the introduction of the new website, though.

-- Mark

Djim Tio (djimtio) 04-23-2009 12:18 PM

Hi Mark Great,also because of
Hi Mark
Great,also because of the "Portuguese sky " colour design.
Looking forward to the Forum overhaul now.

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 04-26-2009 04:54 AM

Hi Mark, Can you believe an
Hi Mark,

Can you believe an internet outage for seven out of eight days? Considering the steam I've built up over that period, I can definitely say the blue you chose has a calming effect. In more practical terms, I think it would tend to keep one investigating further.

I am still convinced that using a variety of examples would be very useful. Someone who plays in a country band might be turned off if you gave all Rachmaninoff or Bach; on the other hand, someone interested in writing or practicing a classical trio, might be more inclined to consider the product more seriously if he/she found something by Milaud, etc. One example ought to be for full orchestra. I don't think more than a page or two of any example should be necessary, and perhaps not practical either. But I do think this section could be responsible for a lot of sales.

I'm looking forward to seeing the new website.

all best,

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