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Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-14-2008 07:35 PM

Hi Sherry and MG I would like
Hi Sherry and MG
I would like to ask some advice and help regarding the welknown mini-opera Vide cor meum.I intend to visit good old friends again in Jakarta (Indonesia )most of them playing saxophone ( ranging from bariton-tenor-alsto sax ) as a church orchestra,playing in churches for the christian community, besides classical and some jazzy compositions.
I am considering to take my fretless along with me and some arrangements
to play together and also an arrangement to play in church.The Vide cor meum crosses my mind ( because I like it very much )but I am not sure whether it is suitable to play in a church ( Sherry ?? ).
MG, would it be possible to use saxophones to interprete the voices ( tenor and (mezo ) soprano ) in the arrangement ?
With some devine inspiration I might come up with the " low regions "
using the fretless and some effects ( octaves, Chorus/delay,compression ), I hope.
I will try to load up a MP3 version of Vide cor meum and a mid. file
from a sheet file( vocal,piano) I got from the internet,in a second mail.
Thanks for listening

Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-14-2008 07:53 PM

Hi Sherry and MG Here are the
Hi Sherry and MG
Here are the links, I hope........
Thanks for listening

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 06-14-2008 09:57 PM

Hi Djim, I'll mess arou
Hi Djim,

I'll mess around with this, if you don't mind, in the next day or two. I don't know the range of the fretless bass. Will it go as high as the D above middle C? What is the complete range? Looks a bit like maybe an alto or two and a couple of tenor saxophones would be needed, maybe a baritone, too. Sounds pretty hymn-like to me.

all best,

Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-14-2008 11:19 PM

Hi Mg How nice of you in tryi
Hi Mg
How nice of you in trying to help me out. For your information : I intend to use my fretless bass tuned BEAD (B1 - E2 - A2 - D3 , middle C being C4 as reference note ).Please don´t mind the "true" range of the bass
since modern technology has provided us ( bass players ) with increasingly convincing effect modules to emulate a desired sound, with
bass effect soft/hardware.
Please don´t take it too seriously and spend too much time on this.
It was just an idea to keep my RAM ( no not my PC´s )and my stiffening fingers busy.
Thanks again and regards

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-14-2008 11:29 PM

Howdy Djim, This is indeed
Howdy Djim,

This is indeed a beautiful piece (listening to the mp3)! While I'm not sure where the lyrics are derived from, they do run a good parallel with the Song of Solomon, which is a beautiful love poem, well worth singing about It could also be lovely voiced with instruments rather than singers, which sounds like what you're planning to do?

Fretless bass will go up to as high as the player can coax harmonics out of it ;) I think I recall Djim saying that he tunes his basses BEAD, rather than EADG, but I could be wrong. If so, then he'd be good for D5 (and then some), with C5 as "middle C".

I think a fretless with a bit of chorus could be a very lovely thing with this piece. I'm much inclined to let MG massage the notation - he's light years ahead of me in that realm

I'd love to hear what you come up with!


Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-15-2008 12:30 AM

Hi Sherry Thanks for your com
Hi Sherry
Thanks for your comments It´s been a long time since we met on this forum.The lyrics are derived from Dante´s La Vita Nuova, and the mini-opera composed as a movie soundtrack in Hannibal and the King of Heavens ( I can give you more detailed information about these if wanted )
You also got me interested in the Song of Solomon .Please give me some
details or a link.
I am also quite convinced that MG will come out with something beautifull
to perform in the Far East.
Regards from sunny Portugal

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-15-2008 12:46 AM

Howdy Djim, Ah - the Dante
Howdy Djim,

Ah - the Dante connection explains why it sounds like a parallel to the Song of Solomon. It's probably a nearly direct quote of some passages

The Song of Solomon, also called the Song of Songs, is in the Christian Old Testament (Hebrew scriptures, poetical works) just after Ecclesiastes. It is a dialog, with "chorus" commentary by the Daughters of Jerusalem, between Solomon and his Shulammite bride. It has been deemed by some as "too steamy", and so relegated to the "mystical union between God and his people/church" realm rather than as a literal song between a man and his wife.

It's good stuff


Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-15-2008 01:11 AM

Hi Sherry,Lady of Beanfield Ca
Hi Sherry,Lady of Beanfield Castle
Thanks for the information on the Salomon Song or the Song of Songs.
Is there any chance to get nearer to he subject,I mean some music
or written text on this dialog between Solomon and his bride ?

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-15-2008 02:23 AM

Howdy Djim, You can read th
Howdy Djim,

You can read the text at (which is the King James version) or at At the second link, you can also read various translations, with some being more modern. From what I've read of the original Hebrew (I am not a Hebrew scholar by any stretch of anyone's imagination), the translations don't really do justice to the original language's poetical structure. (The same is true for the book of Job.)

The book of The Song of Solomon (Song of Songs is the Hebrew name, and it's taken from the first verse) has eight chapters, and it is a narrative between Solomon and his wife (apparently the first of way too many), and a "chorus" which is the "Daughters of Jerusalem", Jerusalem being the capitol where the king's palace and the temple were located. A beautiful love song/story.


Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-15-2008 01:45 PM

Hi Sherry Thanks for the info
Hi Sherry
Thanks for the information and the links.It will keep me busy for quite a while reading the beautifull "lyrics" of this love song .
La Vita Nuova is more a medieval ( 1295 )love story in which Dante Aligieri reveals his life long ( secret )love for Beatrice Portinari.The lyrics of Vide cor meum are from the third chapter,originally in Italian.
BTW, has anybody , to your knowledge ,ever tried to compose music on the lyrics of some parts of The Song of Solomon ?
Thanks again and regards

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-15-2008 05:24 PM

Howdy Djim, I have read a b
Howdy Djim,

I have read a bit of La Vita Nuova (English translation only), but it's been years ago. I love Dorothy Sayers' translation of Dante's Inferno, and can only wish she'd lived long enough to translate LVN as well - the one that I have is not very inspiring.

I don't know of any "big" composers that have done SoS, but there may well be. I do know that a number of folks have composed a song or two based on some passages, one of my favorites being Michael Card's "Arise my Love." You can hear a very poor quality mp3 clip of it at which doesn't do it justice by a mile. Let me know if you'd like to hear a better one

I also googled (just for fun) and came across this interesting site where a fellow was/is working on a suite of songs based on Song of Solomon. He has some mp3s loaded, some which are instrumental with synth-vocals, and some which he's apparently working on which are currently only the acapella vocal demo. One of us should email him and ask if he has a .mid version available

Gotta run now - it's "Open house" season


M G Jacobs (mgj32) 06-16-2008 04:34 AM

Hi Djim, Hope you and your
Hi Djim,

Hope you and your sax friends enjoy this. It sounds fair to me, but I can see a lot of work that could be done. I've used only three basic note velocities: about 90 for melodic emphasis; 75 for the bass; 40 for the baritone sax; and 60 for "accompaniment" notes. But there are so many melodies going here, it's sometimes difficult to decide. I haven't annotated it, I'm afraid, except the "dim." at the end. Somehow the single quarter note seemed too abrupt an ending, especially after the repeated As, so I added a measure. For me, it sounds better at about 92 per quarter note.

Love to hear a tape if you decided you want to play it.

all best,

PS all the instruments are from Merlin My_Own.

<center><table border=1><tr><td> cor meum messed with
Vide cor meum messed with.not (146.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 06-16-2008 04:37 AM

PS 2 I used the score from
PS 2

I used the score from Senduit, saved as a .not, and left those staves at the bottom, so I could cut them out and play the top five, or cut out the top five and play the last three for comparision.

Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-16-2008 10:59 AM

Hi MG Wooow, I wish I could c
Wooow, I wish I could come up with just one measure of what you did on such a limited time.I got a first quick look and listening at your arrangement and I liked it very much. There is a lot of room for individual improvisation for the players.You surely got a hand with the
low regions in the bass line.I also liked the double stops and the possibility to use open strings.Nice bass playing MG !
I can´t wait to get my fingers on it, but I have to run now for some deep end Portuguese lunch ( I hope ), after spending most of the night checking out and listening to some arrangements on The Song of Songs, inspired by Sherry.
Thanks very much and I will keep you informed/ taped ,of course.

Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-16-2008 05:08 PM

Hi MG How about listening to
How about listening to a VCM arrangement by MG Jacobs ( with Merlin -Vienna and Fluid3 ) for a change? .

Have fun

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 06-16-2008 10:00 PM

Hi Djim, Er, that is ah, th
Hi Djim,

Er, that is ah, that is ahem. You forgot to mute or remove the last three staves, the piano. I kept them there, muted most of the time, to work from, and thought I had muted them when I saved the file, both .not and .mid for the last time. Maybe I forgot to do that.

all best,

Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-16-2008 10:36 PM

Hi MG Sorry for the mistake,I
Sorry for the mistake,I forgot to mute the piano tracks.Lack of sleep and
a heavy lunch I guess.I go to bed now and start over again tomorrow.
Good night and regards

Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-17-2008 12:38 PM

Hi MG This is what you probab
This is what you probably wanted to hear.I slowed down to 80 bpm ( the MP3 song being even at 70 bpm ).The final live interpretation will come up out there in Djakarta with the band and in accordane with the ( church choir�s ) conductor�s taste I presume.
Regards and thanks again for your nice arrangement.
BTW, your sf�s still suffering from the pffft disease ?

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 06-17-2008 04:55 PM

Hi Djim, I'll be lookin
Hi Djim,

I'll be looking forward to hearing a recording of the live performance, which I hope gets made. I could have done a lot more with relative volume of the instruments, but the conductor will probably take care of that.

The pffft disease is cured in Merlin Creative and in My_Own with the Creative percussion pool substituted. Improved in Vienna with the Creative percussion pool. I haven't tried it with others yet, except Musica Theoria, where I never got the pfffts.

all best,

Djim Tio (djimtio) 06-17-2008 06:50 PM

Hi Mg As far as I know they h
Hi Mg
As far as I know they have a (semi ) pro recording facility to record their performances and " sell " them as charity raising funds and for the church.So changes are that I can record your arrangement.Let´s wait and see/hear.
Glad to hear that the pffft flu is almost over.Take care and be sure to take your Merlot medicine regularly,as it might be contagious.
Regards and thanks

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