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Tim Mariott 02-15-2010 04:32 PM

Stubborn beams
In the page of vocal score that I sent you, you will see that though there are lots of 8th notes - but no beaming in the vocal lines.

Using the default settings, on entering the notes I end up with lots of beams between pairs of notes. Many times I can just edit these using the beam - set to flags, but in quite a few instances the beams just refuse to be reset to flags. I have tried saving and repoening the file but some of my beams just will not reset.

I thought I might try changing the default beaming pattern to "no beams" but find I cannot do that.

In the attached file

1. in measure 30, all the beams in the soloist line will reset to flags, but

2. in measure 29, none of the beams in the choral lines will reset, and

3. in measure 31, the beams reset to flags except for the last beam in the measure.

Can you please restore me to some sanity. Again I'm sure it's my lack of experience with the product.


Sherry C 02-15-2010 05:46 PM

Re: Stubborn beams
Hi Tim,

The problem is with Composer, not you. Fortunately, though, there is a workaround for this bug (which is already on the fix-it list).
1. Click or click-drag to select the beamed notes you want to change to flags.

2. Click on the "Def" button (I know that seems odd - you'll just have to trust me here :) )

3. Now click the "Flag" button.
I tried this with your attached file, and it worked for all the incorrectly beamed notes.


Tim Mariott 02-15-2010 07:01 PM

Re: Stubborn beams
So simple when you explain it. Thanks again.


Tim Mariott 02-16-2010 04:03 PM

Re: Stubborn beams
Is the "fix-it" list visible on the website anywhere? This might prevent me asking any more questions when there is a ready answer and a work-around. I've had a look around and cannot see it.

Thanks .. Tim

Sherry C 02-16-2010 04:07 PM

Re: Stubborn beams
Hi Tim,

We don't currently have a list on the website. We have a database where we keep track of all that, and are currently busy working on it :)


Tim Mariott 02-13-2013 08:14 PM

Re: Stubborn beams

Stubborn beams are still haunting me. Just working through the batch of scores for our choir's Summer Concert and again find that pieces that I either key in or import from MIDI files often end up looking very different to the printed scores as notes are given beams by Notation and I then have to try to unbeam them so they look like the printed version else the choir members can get confused.

And sometimes the beams are stubborn: sometimes your fix works, and sometimes it only works if I exit Composer and restart. Sometimes I just have to delete the notes and rekey - but even then the beams may reappear. What might help is if I could set the beaming pattern to "no beams" - is this on the wish list? I am currently working on a 3/4 piece where I tried to set the beaming pattern to "6" hoping this would stop odd pairs being beamed - but that didn't work either. Any light at the end of this small tunnel?

Sherry C 02-13-2013 10:05 PM

Re: Stubborn beams
Hi Tim,

Sorry for the beaming bother here. The beam issue didn't make it into the last release that Mark Walsen made before he passed away (in case you didn't know about that, you can read more by clicking here), and we've been in search of a developer capable of carrying on the work since then. (more news on that later - keep your eyes peeled ;) ).

For now, the following workaround should help you get all the notes "flagged" rather than beamed:
1. Select the notes.
2. Click Beams/Def button before using Beams/Convert to flags.
3. Notes change from beamed to flagged, and should stay that way.
Hope this helps, and thanks for hanging in there. There is light shining at the end of the tunnel :)


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