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Reinhold H. 04-10-2018 02:55 PM

Notation Software - next steps in 2018
In February 2018 we finished the big development of version 3.1.1 with great new features. Meanwhile many people have updated their version 3 licenses. Here I would like to start a new thread about what we will focus on in 2018.


The goal is to further improve and enhance our offerings beyond development regarding security. As some of you already have noticed, we have changed our website to the https protocol. This protocol gives our website significantly more security. Those customer who use the online manual, immediately benefit from SSL secured connections when reading articles from the manual. Fortunately, the transition of our domains from http to https went w/o any interruption. The downside of https for us as a company is that search engines like Google require to build up a full new search reputation. We see an impact to clicks per day but this is recovering already.

The next step on data security is that our company will comply to the new European data security law called GDPR. Actually, for us there is nothing really new because we have handled customer data with the greatest care. However, as part of the cerification we review all data handling according to this law and also all of our service providers like Kayako or the company which hosts our website will comply to this law, too. All new customers as well as existing customer will benefit from this data security law e.g. when purchasing a new product or an extension through our reseller BlueSnap or any other reseller because the complete purchase process falls under this security pre-requisites.

With regards to using our forum here, we will validate the terms & condistions and potentially will inform users about changes.

As said, there is nothing new for us but all our partner will comply as well.

New website design

THE major next topic for us is a brand new website design which we have started by our website designer last year already. Existing users who are familiar with the design of our website may ask WHY because our website is very stable and had no outage for I do not know long. However, the existing website as stable as it is, does not scale for a good use on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. The new design meets these requirements. Here I would like to give you a show case how the new design will look like. Please click to

and see the new design and how it will scale for mobile devices. We promise that you will immediately find your way to the right topic on the new website design. All links will stay the same. We cannot confirm when the new website design will be live but we are very optimistic given the experiences which we have made with this show case.

Product version update planned in this year

Knock on wood, version 3.1.1 is absolutely stable. As of today, April 10th, 2018 we have not heard on any bug since the launch of 3.1.1. But there will be some upcoming for sure :). We therefore have a bug fixing release in our calendar for 2018, but not yet scheduled. Beyond that bug fixing update we do regular product planing work. A new release will have a more strategic focus.


Reinhold H. 04-14-2018 11:25 AM

New Website design
From artificial layout our new website design is completed now. Please find the showcase at

Please let us know your comments in particular how you feel comfortable to find your specific areas of interests like helpdesk, user forum, manuals, Upgrade/Update Assistant etc. Please notice the menus are not yet completed. We will add more step-by-step similar to old menu.

If you have a mobile device, please try it as well.

Comments are welcome and appreciated. Thanks you.


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