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rrayner 05-21-2013 01:17 AM

Break Time Septet
2 Attachment(s)
This is a bit of nonsense from the past. "Break Time" was "grown" as a "head" arrangement, i.e., created on the fly on the bandstand. It started out as the break song for my quartet -- I just told the rhythm section guys what I was going to play, and they filled in. As we used it for the septet also (trumpet, tenor sax, trombone, baritone sax, rhythm section), I told the horn players what notes to play, so it was never written down. I haven't posted anything new on this forum for quite a while, and I have had it in the back of my mind that some day, I would capture it in Notation Composer. So, here it is -- nothing groundbreaking -- just a recaptured memory.

I have included an MP3 version of it, as it sounds a lot better to me than using General Midi on my PC. The MP3 file came from the WAV file created on my Clavinova from the Notation Composer score.

I hope you get at least a grin out of listening to it.

Ralph Rayner

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