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rrayner 01-06-2018 02:18 PM

Can't Open XML File
1 Attachment(s)
When I try to open the attached XML file, I get the yellow bar message:

Tuplet would be disrupted. Location: Measure: 39 Tick: 876

I created the XML file by opening a PDF file in PhotoScore 8.0.4 and sending it to Sibelius 7.1.3 Build 77. Then I exported the XML file from Sibelius and opened it with Composer 3.06.-164.

I also tried exporting from Sibelius as an MXL file, but this is not an allowable extension for uploading. I got the same results in Composer.

Ralph Rayner

P. S. I forgot to mention - I see that there is a red box with an x in it next to the attachment, although I did not receive any other error messages during the upload.

Reinhold H. 01-06-2018 05:29 PM

Re: Can't Open XML File
1 Attachment(s)

Thanks. Looks like that there is an issue in the duration conversion from the XML file to the tick schema of Composer. I need to do some more investigations here. For the time being I did a trick. Please find the according .not file attached. Hope this helps for the time being.


rrayner 01-06-2018 07:01 PM

Re: Can't Open XML File
Thanks for the readable score, Reinhold. It looks like I have very little idea on how to use PhotoScore. Your file came through with the transposing instruments in the wrong key, which means I set up the PhotoScore scan incorrectly. Additionally, the PDF score is 47 pages long and in Sibelius it is 59 pages long, so the 5 pages in the NOT file shows that Sibelius did not export the entire file to XML.

This procedure is definitely not ready for prime time, and is going to take a lot more time to figure out than I have at this point.

I'd say it would be good if you could implement the workaround for a future release, but on a low priority basis.

Thanks again for your efforts!

Ralph Rayner

Sherry C 01-06-2018 07:20 PM

Re: Can't Open XML File
Hi Ralph,

For your own work you may want to try an XML export straight way from Photoscore - you can do that in the full version that you have. You can then bring that directly into Composer, bypassing Sibelius.

(the duration issue may still be an issue for Composer XML schema-to-ticks).


rrayner 01-08-2018 12:24 AM

Re: Can't Open XML File
DOH! Thank you, Sherry. I had looked in PhotoScore (PS) for an export function. Not finding any, I sent the PS file to Sibelius, etc., etc. It never occurred to me that there was a Save As capability.

I have done the Save As XML in PS and Composer reads that file just fine, so the Sibelius massaging caused the problem Reinhold researched. And, BTW, the file in Composer is a nice fat 47 pages - doesn't go all the way to the Fine, but I have a lot more of the score. PS generated a LOT of errors, so there may be a reason all the pages didn't come through.

Now, I just need to study PS enough to change the instruments myself, instead of letting PS assign them, as the transposing instruments don't transpose, i.e., the Bb Clarinet comes through with transposed notes, but with no key signature, so it is transposed to D, but the key signature is still C. The PDF is not truly a full score, as only the staves that are playing are shown. This makes it difficult for PS to select the instruments.

But, again, thanks. I am a lot farther along than I was before.

In case you would like to see the PS XML file, I have attached it - no, I won't - it's over 17mb. If you would like a copy of the XML file and/or the Free Scores full score PDF, I will send it/them along via email.

Ralph Rayner

Reinhold H. 01-08-2018 08:05 AM

Re: Can't Open XML File

I am very interested to do a research of this big scanned file. The best is to send it to my email address directly (if possible in mxl format). Btw. I have enabled the forum to post mxl files which usually are less than 5% in size compared to a xml file. But probably for this one the mxl size is still too big.


Reinhold H. 01-12-2018 06:57 PM

Re: Can't Open XML File
The fixes and findings are available in 3.0.6-169


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