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rrayner 04-26-2020 09:47 PM

Note Attack
1 Attachment(s)
I've tried to do diligent research, but I can't find a way to do something common that I'd like to do in a new piece.

The graphic notation displays exactly what I intend - two consecutive notes that are slurred, but the second note should NOT be attacked, like the preceding note.

I have tried to use Note Velocity to soften the attack of the second, but that just reduces the volume level. And perhaps that is all a keyboardist can do - don't strike the second note as hard as the first.

But, for wind instrument players, the player can "tongue" the first note for clarity, and not "tongue" the second note, but simply change the fingering to the second note, making the sound transition to the second note very smooth, i.e., there is no noticeable sharp tonguing of the second note.

There are two examples in the attached Attack Sample.not: in the Soprano part, the movement from D6 (3/2/240 ticks) to C6 (3/3/240 ticks); and in the Alto part, the F5 (3/2/240 ticks) to E5 (3/3/240 ticks). Is there a Composer trick that can address this physical phenomenon for Composer playback? Note that in the sample, I have all notes set to the Note Velocity default of 96, EXCEPT the C6 and E5 referenced above, which are set to 72 for my unsatisfactory attempt at using Note Velocity to do what I want.

(Another side benefit to being sequestered due to Covid-19 - more time for things I've always wanted to know, but never could find time to document.)

I hope all of you are safely sequestered, unless you and/or the members of your family unit are essential workers - in which case, God bless you and please take care.

Ralph Rayner

dj 04-27-2020 01:53 PM

Re: Note Attack
Hi, Ralph:

Midi Continuous Controller #73 might be your friend here.

Use GraphOverNotes(TM) and select #73 (Sound Attack Time) from the Select Controller Type drop down list ("CTRL with a red question mark over it" icon).

You can then edit the attack rate graphically for that instrument.

IF your playback instrument accepts Midi CC's and IF it accepts that particular Midi CC, you may be able to soften the attack portion of the notes in question.

Stay safe.


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