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Michaela (acoustics4me) 04-01-2007 02:44 AM

Hey'a guys, Ok, I just
Hey'a guys,

Ok, I just downloaded and installed 'Notation Musician' ten minutes ago. I was trying to convert a midi file to sheet music. I got this beautiful midi file embedded in an email which was sent to me, and so I saved it to my pc and used NM to convert it. The only thing is I am a real novice with sheet music (I tend to play contemporary Christian stuff by ear, improvising with chords). I can play basic sheet music, very slowly, and still saying 'Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit' in my mind as I figure out the So I have this converted Amazing Grace, which looks pretty unusual to me. So I figure it needs some major tweaking to fix it up, but I don't know how to tweak sheet music. Can I be cheeky and ask someone with that talent to 'clean up' the music? You would enjoy it for yourself also. Ok, so now I'll try and upload it.

\attach 'Amazing Grace' - alternate version

Thanks guys....

Me<center><table border=1><tr><td> Grace - Alternate Version
Amazing Grace.not (103.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Sherry Crann (sherry) 04-01-2007 05:03 PM

Hi Michaela, That is indeed
Hi Michaela,

That is indeed a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace! I also do a lot of playing the way you do (contemporary Christian, by ear, slow at sheet music). Your eyes are right about this song, though - the sheet music looks "funny" because the original file was recorded without respect to a metronome. What that means is that the person who recorded it simply played it right into their sequencer (or whatever they used to capture the MIDI performance), but didn't do it with the metronome "beat" going. So, when Musician tries to transcribe the notes, the rhythms get messed up, and the notation looks weird.

We do have "metronomeless transcription" in the development stages, which would help to "fix" this file so that tempo changes would translated as tempo changes, and not as changes in notation duration (which is what makes it look weird now).

So, the short answer is, there is no software fix for this right now. But this will be a great file to use it with when that feature gets implemented


Michaela (acoustics4me) 04-03-2007 03:50 AM

Hi Sherry, Thanks for respo
Hi Sherry,

Thanks for responding to my post. I will try and re-write the music myself. Although it won't be perfect, it will be good enough for me to understand and play. It is certainly worth keeping. It will take me a while, though. If you like, when I have finished, I can send you a copy.

Take care,


Sherry Crann (sherry) 04-03-2007 12:11 PM

Howdy Michaela, You wrote:
Howdy Michaela,

You wrote:
I will try and re-write the music myself. Although it won't be perfect, it will be good enough for me to understand and play. It is certainly worth keeping. It will take me a while, though. If you like, when I have finished, I can send you a copy.

Actually that would be great to share with all of us There is a section of the forum just for that - "Share your music". I'm looking forward to seeing it


Mark Walsen (markwa) 04-07-2007 05:19 PM

Hello Michaela, If you don&
Hello Michaela,

If you don't hear from Sherry in the forum for several days or more, it's because she's out of touch for a while. Last night there was a fire in her house. Everyone there is ok. But the fire ruined their garage and cars, most of their kitchen, ... and their Internet connection.

-- Mark

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 04-09-2007 06:34 AM

Hi Mark, When you talk to S
Hi Mark,

When you talk to Sherry, please convey our sympathies to her and her family for what must have been a terrible experience. The things you mention can be replaced. I just hope that there were not losses that can't be. I think of her instrument making and wondering where her workshop is . . . It is good to hear that everyone is ok.

all best,

Lee Eschen (leeschen) 04-09-2007 08:23 AM

Mark, please pass on my my hea
Mark, please pass on my my heartfelt sympathies to Sherry and her family. If anything is needed, especially items that may not be covered by insurance, please post such needs and I and, I am certain, others here will do our best to respond.

Sherry and family will be in my prayers as they recover from this difficult time in their lives.


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 04-09-2007 02:15 PM

Hi Mark, Please also convey m
Hi Mark,
Please also convey my sympathies to Sherry, as well. Patsy and I will be praying for her and her family. I hope their most treasured possessions were untouched. On a happier note, it is great to hear that everyone is OK!


Mark Walsen (markwa) 04-09-2007 02:50 PM

Hello All, I called Sherry
Hello All,

I called Sherry to pass along your concerns, and to learn how things are going.

They all are handling this well. The children have sprung back from the disruption well. They are staying in a hotel, because the insurance company said that the house is unhabitable because of the smoke that was left from the fire.

Sherry's workshop was not touched, as it is separate from the garage. None of her or her children's instruments were lost, except for a keyboard connected to a computer. Sherry's computer was not in the fire.

Sherry appreciates your concerns. When I listed your names, she said, "these are a good bunch of guys". I'll continue to pass along your good wishes.

-- Mark

Susan Bagot (susanmusic) 04-09-2007 03:37 PM

My sympathies and prayers for
My sympathies and prayers for Sherry also.

Mark, maybe this topic should go under Announcements from the Developer. A lot of people who would want to know about Sherry may not have checked in the Share Your Music/Religion section.

Susan Bagot

Mark Walsen (markwa) 04-09-2007 05:24 PM

Hello Susan, Good idea. Se
Hello Susan,

Good idea. See this newer thread, where I'll keep you all posted about Sherry's family recovery from the fire.

-- Mark

Michaela (acoustics4me) 04-09-2007 09:15 PM

Hey'a guys, So sorry to
Hey'a guys,

So sorry to hear about Sherry. I'm new here and don't know her. But it's obvious from your posts that she is a well loved and respected member of this forum. Please also pass on my sympathies, and I pray God would give her beauty for ashes!



Sherry Crann (sherry) 04-10-2007 05:28 PM

Howdy, Michaela said "I

Michaela said "I pray God would give her beauty for ashes!" I could not have chosen a more apt way of expressing it - He is


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