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Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-04-2005 02:58 PM

Fill 'er Up
C'mon guys! There is plenty of room here to upload your creations. There is no better way to learn than through the sharing of ideas and information from each other. I am in the very early stages of learning how to put things together and the process gets easier when I can see how others accomplish the things I am trying to do. I'm sure there is lots of skill and talent out there and this is a great place to show it. I would be willing to bet that Mark would love to see this section of the forum utilized to its full potential. Let's go. Let's fill 'er up!
Fred Winterling

Mark Walsen (markwa) 06-04-2005 05:41 PM

Hi Fred, That's right.
Hi Fred,

That's right. I'd love to see a lot more activity in this Share Your Music section of the forum. But it's definitely off to a start.

Another good forum/newsgroup in which one can share compositions with others is the newsgroup, which you can access using Google Groups. There are other music gendre-specific newsgroups also, which I'm not so familiar with. These newsgroups are worth exploring. You might want to submit your compositions there for discussion with other composers, as well as in our forum here.

An advantage of our forum now is that it is intimate. We sort of know each other, and we welcome newcomers. The newsgroup has some regular participants who know each other well. New folk jumping into the are probably less likely to continue participating there than in our forum because they are less likely to get any responses the first time they join in, or if they do, it's more likely they'll get only negative feedback than they would in our forum.

I think the strength of this Share Your Music section of the forum will be that it is supportive of the musical creative efforts of the participants. A major goal here is to encourage each other to create music and to find fulfillment in doing that. We can encourage each other by offering positive feedback where we can honestly offer it. And, when the composer indicates that he or she is looking for constructive critical feedback, we can provide him or her another perspective that might be useful.

-- Mark

Clyde (clyde) 06-05-2005 12:20 AM

Hi, I would like to echo

I would like to echo the call to 'share our music'. We all benefit from this, eg:

(a) Each of uses Composer in a different way or for a different style of music. Some record directly into Composer, others generate orchestral parts, others (like myself) use it as a scoring programing to publish our music on the web. From comments in the forum, other also use it to prepare parts for their Church Bands etc.

(b) Most of us are self-conscious about our creations, and tend to be bashful and shy. I know I am - but it has been greatly encouraging to me to have the encouragement of peer comment, and also to see what others are doing that we all struggle with aspects of our musical creations. None of us are in a position to be critical of what others do, but we can certainly encourage each other.

(c) The facility that Mark has provided to 'share our music' will get your music known to others. For example, in the first 4 days of June so far, 16 people have followed the 'share your music' link and looked at my music. Even in the last few hours, people have downloaded/played 12 of my '.NOT' files from my web page.

(d) Mark has produced such a versatile package, and not only do we each use it for a different style of music, but we use it with emphasis on a different feature of the package. I think its great that we can be part of that promotion where we can all be winners.

Cheers ... Clyde

David Jacklin (dj) 06-05-2005 03:02 PM

Okay, go to the "classical
Okay, go to the "classical" section.

Mark: may I request a "Show Music" section, as most of my music has no real home here?

Mark Walsen (markwa) 06-05-2005 05:18 PM

Hi David, I have now added
Hi David,

I have now added the Show Music section. I also tried to move your Overture from the Classical to the Show Music section, but didn't do it quite right. Please start a new thread in the SHow Music section, and make a copy of your Overture post. The new thread will enable others to respond to your post.

-- Mark

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-08-2005 09:58 PM

Howdy, This is sort of a di

This is sort of a different angle on the "Fill 'er up" motif, but since we've gotten into the "how folks compose" bit here lately, what with Clyde explaining how he uses BIAB to begin his process, and Tim and Fred and Mark noodle (quite well and intelligently) at the keyboard, and David takes off on lots of stuff, I thought I'd point you to my SoundClick site, where I've posted a lot of "rough sketches" of some songs I've written.

My process usually (though not always) involves sort of a swirl of music noodling on my guitar coming together with something that's been on my mind of late. Sometimes it has something to do with my kids or husband, sometimes it has to do with life situations, and sometimes it has to do with scripture that I've been reading. It may be that I start with the words, and noodle something on the guitar to fit the beginnings of a melody that I've got in my head. Other times it's that whatever noodling I'm doing, I try to start fitting words to that. So I don't have a set protocol for my compositions - quite often they just kind of happen.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get some more work done on these in the not too distant future. In the meantime, you can hear me "in the rough" as it were, and then I'll post the final "polished" versions, too, just for comparison. The polished versions will definitely be done with Composer Pro, so I'll post those files in the appropriate genre categories as I get them done.


Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-08-2005 10:00 PM

p.s. [img]http://www.notation.

When you get to the page above, click on the "music" link to get to the page with the songs.


Mark Walsen (markwa) 06-08-2005 10:24 PM

Hi Sherry, Your list of pie
Hi Sherry,

Your list of pieces at Soundclick is already pretty long! You've been busy.

I suspect that many forum users will wonder, "How did Sherry make those sounds?" (I was just listening to Aaron's Meditation.) It might be valuable to many of us if you gave us a tutorial on using SynthFont and sound fonts with Composer. You'll described the techniques here and there in the forum, but it would be great to have that in one place, in new section of the forum Using MidiNotate with Third Party Products / Sound Libraries and Software Synthesizers.

If you described that in one place, then wherever you describe what's inside one of your compositions, you could refer readers to your general write-up about SynthFont and sound fonts (and whatever tools you use with Composer). What do you think?

It's a delight to see you making so much music.

-- Mark

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-09-2005 12:16 AM

Howdy Mark, Well, the list
Howdy Mark,

Well, the list at SoundClick is actually songs that I've written over the past 6 or 7 years, it's just that I've never had the ability to put them into any type of notation or recorded format until Composer And it did spark some creative outlet - a little over a third of the songs that I've done have been since beginning to use Composer.

I'd be glad to put together a tutorial of sorts on soundfonts and how I've used them. I can pull together some of the bits and pieces I have scattered around the forum, which I've been meaning to do anyway I will mention that most of the soundfont use that I do, though, is within Composer itself, because my soundcard has the ability to load soundfonts. But using SynthFont makes it possible for folks who don't have that capability to still use soundfonts for performing the music that you create using Composer (SynthFont is only a player, not a creation tool).

It's fun making so much music It's a great release for me, and I humbly thank you for your contribution in helping me along the way


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-09-2005 01:02 AM

Hi Guys! I'll second Mark&
Hi Guys! I'll second Mark's request. Sherry, you're a pro. Rough sketches? How do you improve on that? I saw a post elsewhere about SynthFont and was going to download it (haven't yet) I was going to look for that post again and ask how to use it with Composer. But I'm still working on how to get everything to start on the same beat and in the same meter. I tried to do something with a little bass and drums and the keyboard. I thought it would come out OK if I made the rhythm tracks first and I couldn't get anything to start at the same time. It sounded like 3 different bands trying to record together without headphones. And they all guessed when to start. I laughed at that attempt for a day and a half. That's what I was doing when I realized I missed a tee time with my son at his country club in Portsmouth,VA this past Saturday. You know I am a sax man, not a keyboardist so you can help me cry on this one... My son missed the tee time too. We were to meet his friend at the club. Anyway, the friend showed up by himself and guess who they paired him up with??...Kenny G. Can you imagine how wonderful I felt missing the opportunity to play 18 holes with Kenny G? We would have had a little to talk about. Anyway, our friend got a bunch of free front row seats for Kenny's concert that night in addition to an invitation to attend an informal personal concert for all the stage people and members of the show afterwards. Then our friend played another 18 holes with him the next day and didn't call us. Anyway, enough crying! Can someone give me any tips on how to get all the tracks to start at the same time? I can't be that bad. I always thought I could at least count to four. Fred W

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-09-2005 02:46 AM

Howdy Fred, Thanks for the
Howdy Fred,

Thanks for the encouragement Don't let anyone fool you - flattery will get you a lot of places ;)

As for the rough sketches, if you listen to those pieces so designated, you'll understand. Some of the pieces I have up now on SoundClick have me singing in one of your ears, and my guitar playing in the other Along with miscues, and such. I put them up mainly to sort of help some folks (some of my students, and you folks, too) to see how I work through the process of coming up with a song, and then working through fleshing it out.

For me, once a song "hits" me, it's pretty easy to get it to the "me and my guitar" stage, but fleshing it out used to be nigh unto impossible, until Composer came along

Fred, for the "three bands recording and no headphones" syndrome, it sounds as if you may have latency problems. I know this issue has come up before with other users, and one of the best solutions I know is to try using the ASIO4all driver. This driver can be used with multiple devices, and is available for FREE at (sidenote for present users: he put up the new 2.6 version just this past April) I've been using this driver with all my devices, and I have absolutely no latency issues when it comes to recording or playing "live" at all. You might want to give it a try.

The short version of SynthFont - you don't use it directly with Composer. You use Composer to put together your composition, and then you can use SynthFont to utilize soundfonts for the performance of the piece. I'll put a bit more in another entry under "Third party software" stuff.


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-09-2005 02:15 PM

Thanks Sherry! That may be the
Thanks Sherry! That may be the problem. I was confused by the echo earlier when playing along with the keyboard and downloaded asio4all at that time, but I solved the problem by turning down my speakers so it didn't bother me. I never thought about it possibly being a problem with the recording. My asio4all shows that my midi-out is "unavailable" and my midi-in as "beyond logic". With all the problems I had with configuring, I thought it best not to mess with it at the time. When reading the manuals, it is like a foreign language to me because I don't have the technical knowledge to understand what they are talking about. I need to educate myself in that area or find a "Manual For Dummies".
Your method of composing is very similar to mine. Until Composer came along I wasn't very motivated to write any more. I would usually forget a particular theme or motif just about every time I thought I had something. Now if something is going on in my head, usually just a few notes or a few measures, I quickly record it into Composer and try to elaborate on it later. However, I can't work piecemeal. I have to complete the entire song in one setting. Usually, I will just close my eyes and lean back against the wall and let my fingers do the walking. I am completely oblivious to everything around me and I get lost in a fog. It sounds like I am listening to someone else... Weird! My teacher used to play 4 notes within an octave, and I was to compose a song from that as part of my lesson. It works really well. It's a lot like the old TV game "Name That Tune". Try having someone not musically inclined play 4 notes for you and "noodle" from there. It's fun. Thanks for accepting Mark's challenge, by the way. That will be a tremendous help for a lot of people. It's very gracious of you to offer to do that.
Fred (I don't know what "tyrg" stands for, I just "composed" it)

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-10-2005 12:37 PM

AHA!! NO LATENCY! I found out
AHA!! NO LATENCY! I found out I really could count to 4. I just wasn't counting at the same exact speed for each track. Old sax players have a tendency to sometimes "ride" on top of the meter (which is OK as long as the meter is perfect). Now all I have to do is figure out how to synchronize a pre-recorded rhythm pattern to match the recording. Thanks guys! Fred

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-10-2005 01:43 PM

Howdy Fred, Congrats on rea
Howdy Fred,

Congrats on reaching the NO LATENCY zone

When you say "synchronize a pre-recorded rhythm pattern to match the recording", I'm wondering if you do like I do for some recordings. Do you mean that the first "pre-recorded rhythm pattern" is an audio recording, or a midi recording? I've had both occasions, and I do things quite similarly in both cases. If you don't get it figured out, and you want to give us a few more details (ie, which tracks are audio (if any) and which are midi, etc), then I can tell you what I've done in similar situations. Things may be different, too, if you want to get usable sheet music, or if you just want a performance that you can hear and not worry about the sheet music.

Keep up the good work!

Mark Walsen (markwa) 06-10-2005 02:57 PM

Hi Fred, When I first start
Hi Fred,

When I first started recording my own MIDI performances some 16 or 17 years ago, I remember having exactly the same problem, that there was latency in my own performance as I was trying to record against pre-recorded accompaniment tracks. Also, when I first started testing Composer's recording, I found that my human latency was horrible. I've improved on that a good bit with practice, but still, I'm a terrible ensemble player when I play with my one-person band (multiple tracks in Composer).

Fortunately, there are easy ways to fix one's recorded human latency. You can shift the real as-performed times of selected notes to the right or left using Composer's piano roll notation. Read about this in the Help / Users Guide in the section Viewing and Editing the Music Performance / Viewing and Editing the Performance of Notes. After you shift the notes, you might want to use the Track / Re-Transcribe command so that the notated rhythms match the re-located notes.

-- Mark

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-10-2005 04:35 PM

Hi Sherry & Mark, Basica
Hi Sherry & Mark,
Basically I do the rhythm thing a couple of different ways. Sometimes I try the "style" and ACMP on the keyboard and other times I may copy a bass or drum track from another midi file that has changes similar to what I want, then edit the chords and the notes in it to match. That's the hard way for me. I can do fine if I play the bass parts myself, but I'm not very good on bass, and my drum playing is worse. I have begun to try to keep things simple to make it easier to learn. Twinkle, Twinkle is probably where I need to stay for a while. Mark, I'm not very adept at using the piano roll, I really need to go over it again and again to understand it. It's probably simpler than I am making it out to be, so I'll keep working at it. I started out just wanting to be able to print sheet music, but then when you find out what can be accomplished with the software it grabs hold of you and you want to do more. You can teach an old dog new tricks, it just takes longer. At least I am having a heck of a lot of fun!!! Thanks for your help! Fred W.

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-10-2005 05:18 PM

Howdy Fred, If you want to
Howdy Fred,

If you want to put all your tracks into Composer by using midi file stuff, I have a ton of drum tracks that I've gleaned from all over the place, in a myriad of styles. I picked these up when I was beginning to work on drum tracks, so I could see what elements were involved in different styles. I think you could cut/copy/paste various parts to suit your needs quite easily just from the files themselves, as there are variations and turnarounds in most all of the files. If you're at all interested, let me know and I can email them to you. Then you can just comp a bass line over top of it and then so on with any other tracks you might want to add. It's lots of fun There is also a great resource at

And I know exactly what you mean about the capabilities of Composer just sort of grabbing you and wanting to do more and more. I'm another example of the infection ;)


Mark Walsen (markwa) 06-10-2005 05:24 PM

Hi Fred, The concept of pia
Hi Fred,

The concept of piano roll notation is simple. Perhaps the user interface for editing the piano roll notation is not so simple, but I tried to make it easy.

When you deal with piano roll notation, just imagine a real piano roll and player piano. The piano roll paper has two dimensions (actually rotated 90 degrees from what you see in Composer, but don't think too hard about that.) In one of the dimensions, the location of a punched hole determines the pitch. In the other dimension the length of the hole determines the beginning and ending of the notes.

When you deal with piano roll notation in Composer, you are metaphorically changing the position and length of the hole in the real piano roll paper.

Some Composer users might want to be able to use the mouse to drag one end or the other of the hole to the right or left. Some MIDI sequencers like Cakewalk's let you manipulate the piano roll holes (rectangles) that way. Such a mouse drag technique works for only one note at a time, however. When I designed the user interface for piano roll in Composer, I wanted to support many, many more types of editing tasks than just changing the start or end of a single note. Therefore, I settled on key strokes (such as A+RightArrow to move the attack/start of the note to the right), palette buttons, and menu items. (The menu items are not intended for regular use, but only as a way to learn the key shortcuts, which you can learn just as easily by hovering the mouse over the palette buttons.) Since the mouse drag operation would work only for changing a single note, and since the mouse drag operation would conflict with other interpretations of mouse drags in Composer, I decided to leave that option out of Composer.

-- Mark

Mark Walsen (markwa) 06-10-2005 05:31 PM

Fred and Sherry, I'll s
Fred and Sherry,

I'll second Sherry's recommendation for drum tracks at The author of the drum tracks and I became Internet friends when I was looking for some drum tracks when I was taking some jazz piano lessons (in which I failed miserably). Although his drum tracks are inexpensive ($35), I thought I'd save myself a few bucks and offered to trade a copy of MidiNotate for his drum tracks, and he took me up on the offer.

-- Mark

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-10-2005 05:56 PM

Howdy, Regarding the DrumFi

Regarding the DrumFiles site, he used to (don't know if he still does) have an email newsletter, where he had articles, as well as about 8 drumfiles at a time included for free. I got quite a few this way, too. I think the $35 deal is if you want all the gazillion files that he has.


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-10-2005 07:53 PM

Hi Mark & Sherry, Thank
Hi Mark & Sherry,

Thanks for all the advice. It will be a big help! Yes, Sherry, I would be interested in the drum files you have also.Thanks again!

Gracie Knafel (gknafel) 06-11-2005 03:13 PM

Hi- I don't know what happ
Hi- I don't know what happened to my post. I clicked on Preview Message and tried to edit it, and it disappeared. Whew, and it was a long one!

Mark, thank you for developing the Midinotate Composer software. I am thrilled with it, and with the help of Sherry, I just completed my first "fake" sheet music. As soon as I learn how, I will share it with the group.

I am a musician in the 'rough'. I play by 'ear' with just a few chords that I have learned. I bought a Technics KN7000 keyboard almost a year ago. I hope to compose new songs and get the ones I have already written in sheet music.

Again, thank you. I will be purchasing the software very soon.


Mark Walsen (markwa) 06-11-2005 04:26 PM

Hi Gracie, I'm quite pl
Hi Gracie,

I'm quite pleased that you are enjoying MidiNotate. You're in expert hands with Sherry's assistance.

Please do share your music in the (I guess I subconsciously used the same words) "Share Your Music" section of the forum.

I'm sorry that you lost your original longer post. The next time you add a post to the forum, copy it to the clipboard, and perhaps even paste it in NotePad for safe keeping, before using Preview Message. Then try to duplicate the same steps you took before when you lost the post. The configuration of this forum software has had some usability problems in the past, such that it was too easy to lose a post, but I thought those problems were fixed. However, if there are still some usability problems here, your attempt to repeat the steps might help me learn where the problem is.

-- Mark

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-12-2005 12:37 AM

Hello again Sherry! I have a d
Hello again Sherry! I have a dumb question. I opened a jazz midi I downloaded to get some ideas on the drum & bass tracks. The guy used 2 tracks for bass, accoustic bass and fretless bass. I guess I can understand the logic there, but the drum line was named "violin" and the instrument shown in the track properties in Composer was violin. I don't get it. The drum track included bass drum, snare and hi-hat. Why and how dey do dat?? Thanks again! Fred W

Clyde (clyde) 06-12-2005 12:50 AM

Hi Fred, If I can jump in
Hi Fred,
If I can jump in on this one - I think what happens is that midi channel 10 is a drum track regardless of the actual instrument setting.

This may answer your question until Sheryy gives you a more complete (and perhaps more accurate answer) - shes the drum expert.

Cheers .. Clyde

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-12-2005 01:08 AM

Thanks Clyde! That makes sense
Thanks Clyde! That makes sense. I see piano used quite often for the drum line, but I figured that was probably because they used the piano to play the drum part.( something I can't do very well). It will be interesting to see what difference it makes to try other instruments there. I just saw it for the first time and hadn't had time to play with it. Fred

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-12-2005 01:53 AM

Howdy, Clyde is quite right

Clyde is quite right about the "channel 10" thing - that is what usually gets interpreted as "drum track", though occasionally it won't. However, if it doesn't, you can usually tell because the track will sound quite rhythmic but not melodic

(the following ended up longer than I anticipated, but it is thorough )
Fred, in the case that the instrument for "drums" showed "Piano", what probably happened is the following. As Mark has (and may do again) pointed out, midi only has certain "pseudo pitches" that it uses for each particular drum instrument. However, how a particular sound engine, which still uses midi input, interprets that can vary somewhat. In my case, I make extensive use of soundfonts, and the default soundfont that I use has something like 5 or 6 "drum kits" that it can use for a drum track.

What I find happens in my scenario, is that if I have the drum track checked as "drum instrument, 5 staff" in the track dialog box, I can change how that drum track sounds by changing the kit that I'm using. How do I change the kit from say "room acoustic kit" to "brushes kit"? I do that in my setup by changing the instrument patch name! And this does change what pseudo pitch gets interpreted as what instrument, so it doesn't adhere precisely to the midi standard. I guess it falls under the "custom drum kit instrument patch numbers" thing

So, for my setup, if I have "drum instrument, 5 staff" box checked, and I have "Acoustic grand piano" checked in the instrument patch grid, then I'll hear the acoustic room drum kit in my soundfont. Now, if I go back and change that instrument patch name to "viola" (different patch number), the drum kit that I will hear will change to "brushes kit", and I can indeed hear a different set of percussion instruments, as well as a difference in timbre for them.

Therefore, my guess is that whoever set up the file had access to a number of different "kits", and the instrument patch number got carried over for the instrument name. That happens with my files if I save them to a midi file, and I've made use of the various kits that are available within my soundfont.

I should add that if you use Biab, and you use a different sound engine for Biab than you do for Composer, it can cause some problems if you're wanting the same drum kit sound that you had in Biab. When I first started using Biab, I was using the Sound Canvas that they suggested as the better sound engine. Then I'd go to Composer to fix things up, and the drums would sound just way different. When I finally figured out the difference in the drum kits, and how I could manipulate that, it all fell into place. But boy, did it drive me nuts for a while!

I hope something in here was helpful


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-13-2005 01:12 AM

Thank you, Sherry! Yes, it is
Thank you, Sherry! Yes, it is very helpful. I had some vague suspicions along those lines, but I have never played around with the possibilities. I tried a few instrument sounds and noticed the change, but am not familiar enough with it to know what I am doing. It is a lot of trial and error. I just added drum and bass tracks to "Patsy's Song" and believe it or not, I actually got it on the right meter. I really did it the hard way though. I copied the tracks from a downloaded version of "Alfie" and the drum part fits well. I had to change the key for the bass part, then of course, I had to change each note to fit the chords in my song, because mine is a zillion miles away from "Alfie" changes. I still have to tweak the rhythm in places to make the ritards etc fit better, but I think Mark will tell me to do that with piano roll. I have to experiment a lot more, but now I am almost motivated to add tracks for strings, a brass section and maybe a trumpet or tenor sax solo. It gets crazy doesn't it? Thanks again and thank you also for the drum files. I downloaded some from the web site you mentioned, I can't wait to sample your's. Fred

Sherry Crann (sherry) 06-13-2005 02:33 AM

Howdy Fred, I sent you a &#
Howdy Fred,

I sent you a "passel" of drum files, all zipped up, to your email this morning. If you didn't get it, please let me know, and I'l send it again.

Yes, it can get addictive


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 06-13-2005 04:39 PM

Hi Sherry, Yep got them yester
Hi Sherry, Yep got them yesterday. Thank you very much. I haven't unzipped them yet, but I will this afternoon.

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