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shelby 11-25-2017 07:14 AM

inserting note/rest at specific position and moving the rest to the right?
Is there a way to insert a note or rest at a specific position and have everything else automatically move to the right?

It would be really helpful to be able to do this. It seems I need to often add notes at specific position. Currently I work around by inserting measures and cut pasting to move all the notes to the right, but this is somewhat tedious for an operation which occurs frequently.

Additionally it would be very helpful if I could select a note and increase or decrease the duration and have the notes to the right move accordingly (instead of adding a rest). This seems to be very common editing scenario, not sure if others have encountered this need.

dj 11-25-2017 02:36 PM

Re: inserting note/rest at specific position and moving the rest to the right?
Hi, Shelby:

There is no tool for automatically shifting to the right as you are looking for. Notation Software products are "bar oriented" so that notes are specific to a beat position within a measure unless moved.

Enter Sequential Notes ("sn" key shortcut) will change the length of existing notes to allow insertion of new ones and altering the length of succeeding notes within a bar to compensate.

Cut Note Duration ("cut" key shortcut) will cut the length of existing notes and leave rests to the right.

Neither of those are tools I've used a lot. I've been using Notation Composer so long (since before it WAS Notation Composer!) that I automatically think measure to measure and rarely come to a situation where I want to push anything over a barline. Your mileage will vary, of course. :)

I hope that helps.


shelby 11-25-2017 06:58 PM

Re: inserting note/rest at specific position and moving the rest to the right?
Thanks! I did not know about those 2 features, both are very helpful and much better workaround. I will start experimenting.


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